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求翻译:In a country that ……

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/01 12:39:27
求翻译:In a country that ……
In a country that already has a bad rap for fake Apple stores, rampant counterfeiting and questionable food supplies, touting a bank takeover that wasn't certainly doesn’t help support a reputation for legitimacy.
求翻译:In a country that ……
中国存在山寨的苹果专卖店的现象,伪劣的假名牌充斥市场,食品安全没有保障(甚至连有机食品都可以造假),在这样一个国家,(造假盛行的背景下),(这个中国资本家)企图通过炒作(一个根本不存在的)对美国银行收购案上位(比如获得青睐和资金 获选政协委员之类的目的)从而跻身上层主流社会的做法,起不到任何作用.