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英语翻译1.Although we rarely think about it,the distance that we

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/04 18:11:46
1.Although we rarely think about it,the distance that we stand from someone during a conversation is also an important part of communication.Generally,North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans and people from the Middle East.At an international meeting a pair of diplomats may move slowly across a room as one of them tries to increase the personal conversation distance and the other tries to decrease it.The person who prefers more distance usually loses the fight when he finds himself with his back against the wall.尤其是这句Generally,North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans and people from the Middle East.中的do,是个什么用法?
2.We are not really prepared to communicate in a foreign language unless we know whether to shake hands or bow,when to sit and stand,and how to behave in unfamiliar situations.除了这句话的翻译外,着重强调一下whether在句中的意思和用法.
3.A number of major industries and more than twenty leading colleges have become very concerned about our bad listening habits.其中的major industries应该怎么理解才更合适?
4.That is a serious problem when you consider our attitudes toward other people and success on the job.着重强调一下其中的consider.
5.Sometimes they remain away too long.
6.For the same reason,and far more often than you may think,other information fails to come through.
7.It is hard to listen properly and do anything else at the same time.But good listening pays off.除了翻译这个句子外,着重强调一下句子中的but应该怎么理解才更准确.
英语翻译1.Although we rarely think about it,the distance that we
先说这句:Generally,North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans and people from the Middle East.这句是平行结构,其中有一个more space than 让前后主要“NA”和“ LA and ME”平行,自然动词也要平行,后句中的Do就是前句里“prefer”的一个平行,这句话的意思就是“总的来说,北美洲的人比拉美和中东的人在谈话时很希望谈话人之间有一个距离.’
Although we rarely think about it,the distance that we stand from someone during a conversation is also an important part of communication.我们虽然平时很少注意到,但是也不难发现在人与人的交谈中人与人之间的距离也扮演着一个很重要的角色.
Generally,North Americans prefer more space than do Latin Americans and people from the Middle East.总的来说,北美洲的人比拉美和中东的人在谈话时更习惯谈话人之间保持有一个距离.
At an international meeting a pair of diplomats may move slowly across a room as one of them tries to increase the personal conversation distance and the other tries to decrease it.在一个国际会议中,外交官会在在交流过程中慢慢调整人与人的距离,以保持一个不变的距离.
The person who prefers more distance usually loses the fight when he finds himself with his back against the wall.一个更偏好空间感的人往往会在背靠墙的情况下输掉有利的地位.
2.We are not really prepared to communicate in a foreign language unless we know whether to shake hands or bow,when to sit and stand,and how to behave in unfamiliar situations.用外语与别人交谈的同时,我们需要了解是否应该握手还是拥抱,站着或者是坐着,如何在一个不熟悉的状况下行为得体.whether表示是否.
3.A number of major industries and more than twenty leading colleges have become very concerned about our bad listening habits.一些主要的产业(工厂)和20所左右的重点大学对不好的听力习惯表示十分担忧.
major industries and more than twenty leading colleges 又是平行,不用实际了解到major industries的,因为后面对 leading colleges和签名的mi是一样的地位,表示的都是在社会中举足轻重的社会机器.比如有名的工厂啊或者是公司啊什么的.
4.That is a serious problem when you consider our attitudes toward other people and success on the job.对于你而言,考虑我们对于其他人以及对工作上的成功的态度是一个重要的问题.consider 就是考虑的意思咯.
6.For the same reason,and far more often than you may think,other information fails to come through.由于同样的原因其他的那些信息无法送达.这个比你能够想到的更加寻常.
7.It is hard to listen properly and do anything else at the same time.But good listening pays off.要在有效听力的同时做其他事情是很难得,但是...好的听力是需要付出的.
but 就是转折哦~前后的语意不一样.