作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

What should we do to prevent AIDS?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/04 08:59:38
What should we do to prevent AIDS?
What should we do to prevent AIDS?
再问: ����֪��������Ļش���
再答: 1, be not promiscuity; 2, not with others sharing razor, toothbrush, etc.; 3, not without disinfection equipment wear ear, eyebrow tattoo; 4, doubt yourself or a loved one consistent use of condoms when infected with the AIDS virus; 5, there are no drug addicts kick the former do not share syringes with others; 6, medical use by strictly sterilized syringes and examination, treatment equipment; 7, it is necessary to a blood transfusion is used when the blood of HIV antibody test qualified. 1�������԰��������ң� 2���������˹������뵶����ˢ�ȣ� 3������δ�����е������ü�� 4�������Լ���Է��ܰ��̲�������Ⱦʱ���ʹ�ñ����ף� 5���ж������δ���ǰ���������˹���ע������ 6��ҽ��ʱʹ�þ��ϸ����ע��������顢������е�� 7���б�Ҫ��Ѫʱʹ�þ����̲������������ϸ��Ѫ�� �����Ŷ �����
再问: �dz���л����
再答: ���ɰ� ¥��