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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/01 12:05:44
现代美国俚语对于英语的影响,有着褒贬不一的看法,有的人认为俚语很“新潮”,可推动英语的发展,有的人则认为俚语“糟蹋”了英语。《现代英语语言与文化研究》曾就美语对英语的影响做了专门的论述:“究竟对美国英语如何评价,人们所见不尽相同或完全不同。语言毕竟难以尽善尽美,白玉无暇;总是既纯又不纯,既有正确又有谬误,而且历来如此,并不足怪。” [11]但书中关于美国学者纽曼的观点和态度,可以看出美国学者对于美语对英语的“糟蹋”持赞成态度的还是有的。“目前美国许多口语表达方式十分流行,听起来也十分悦耳,用起来'速冻快餐’难样令人开胃,但实际上英语被搞得更加混乱,更加不伦不类。”[12]而美国俚语在美语中占据的分量越来越重了,在人们日常生活中的使用也越来越频繁了,或者说是美国人生活中必不可少的一种语言交流方式了。因此现在美语对于英语的影响很大程度体现在俚语上。
现代美国俚语作为一种交际工具,是英语语言中丰富多彩的、极富有活力的成分。它服务于社会,以社会为基础。随着社会的发展,其中有一部分俚语由于不再适应社会,不再实用,慢慢地从社会这个大舞台上退出。而有一部分仍然活跃,经久不衰,或者慢慢地进入标准语的行列。与此同时,新的俚语会因社会和时代的需要而如雨后春笋般出现,填补其中的空白。1960年文特华斯和弗莱克森主编的《美国俚语词典》(Dictionary of American Slang)收录了15,000个俚语词,据他们估计,其中美国人常用的有2000多个。而到了1961年,玛里安韦伯斯特的“THE INTERNATION”在同意前者的词义的情况下只列出了500多个俚语词,可见在这一年之中有如此多的俚语成为了标准语,衍变速度有多快,同时它们留下的空缺又由新的俚语添补上。
正如美国著名诗人沃尔特惠特曼(Walt Whitman)在《俚语在美国》中写到:“如果把英语比做作君临天下的大帝,那么在金碧辉煌的殿堂中居然出现了一位莎士比亚笔下的小丑式人物,登堂入室,甚至跻身于最庄严的盛典,这就是俚语,或称隐语。它出于大众之中,跳出了规范语言的框框,使人们能不拘一格,畅所欲言。” [22]正是因为人们对俚语认识的不断加深,社会的不断进步和开放,所以我们相信现代美国俚语有着强大的生命力和美好的前景。
Modern American slang status and prospects
A situation
1 modern American slang language status
Early American slang is derived from the bottom, and that of social culture, only the vulgar, barbarian, hands, like a beggar, tramp as criminals, life in the bottom of society will use slang, jargon, and colloquialisms equals equivalent, equivalent to local dialect and covers. The 1828 merriam-webster to write the definition of slang is "a low-level, vulgar, lack of language expression." But as time goes on, the slang derogatory composition fewer. In 1963 the modern English dictionary of slang is the explanation of "slang is generally used to talk, but not for cooperation or formal occasions, especially the words of one walks." [10] visible for most scholars rejected by the original position of the slang is no longer just vulgar language, not just jargon and pronoun, not even for the upper echelons of ordinary was rejected by the language form. Nowadays, the slang and the slang is difficult to find the distinction between explicit boundaries, and some even entering the standard terminology. News media, politics, business, entertainment and social groups and group for the wide use of slang, illustrates the language that the status of slang.
2 the modern American slang for English
Modern American slang for English, has mixed views, some people think that is slang "trendy" can promote the development of English, some people think the English slang "spoiling". The modern English language and culture research on the English language is making a special effects: "how evaluation of American English, people see identical or different language, to perfect. All are pure; neither pure and not always correct, both pure and falsehood, and always so, and insufficient blame." [11] in the proviso about American scholars Newman views and attitude, can see the American scholars of English language "wasted" approved or others. "Many American oral expression is very popular, sounds very sweetly, use up too fast" difficult "frozen sample, but the fact is that English is appetizing was more chaos, more nondescript." [12] in English and American slang occupies more heavy weight in People's Daily life, the use of more and more frequently, or American lives in a kind of language communication. So now the American for the influence of English slang largely reflected in.
Now, the whole world is watching TV and movies in America. American slang awash with almost all of the American film and television works, many English to their first language to keep their national characteristics of English has been impossible. Australia, Britain, Canada, the < > etc.
B prospects
Modern American slang as a communication tool in the English language, is rich and colorful, extremely rich vigor. It serves the society, social based. With the development of society, which is due to no longer part of slang adapt to society, no longer practical, slowly from the society, the big stage exit. But there is still alive, enduring part, or slowly into the language. Meanwhile, new slang for social and the needs of The Times and springing up, fill the blank. In 1960 and flack mid-english China's "great American Slang Dictionary (up) comprises of Slang words, 15,000 Slang, according to their estimates, americans are more than 2000 commonly. While in 1961, Webster INTERNATION ", "meaning in agree with THE former under THE condition of THE list of more than 500 slang word, visible in this year has so many slang became THE evolvement of language, how fast they leave vacant, THE new slang fill.
Language from society, from the public. The development trend of modern American slang is concise, because of its popularity, slang, the euphemism in constantly weakening, meaning in unceasing enhancement, the universal gradually become an indispensable part of the common language.
As a famous American poet Walt Whitman (Walt Whitman) in the slang in the United States, wrote: "if the English than the emperor reigns affectation, so in the splendid palace incredibly appeared a Shakespeare's clown, illegal, even in the most solemn ceremony in, this is slang, or dark sayings. It out from among the public, the standard language rules, so that people could not speak,". [22] because people know the deepening of slang, social progress and open, so we believe that modern American slang has strong vitality and good prospects.