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给我一些关于各自take,turn,break , pass,come,let的词组,全部都要哦,亲

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/08 06:04:11
给我一些关于各自take,turn,break , pass,come,let的词组,全部都要哦,亲
给我一些关于各自take,turn,break , pass,come,let的词组,全部都要哦,亲
再问: 关于take的词组
再答: 语法啊-_-||
再答: 不对你要的是短语吧
再问: 就是关于它的短语
再答: take off起飞;脱下;动身;匆匆离开 take on承担;呈现;同…较量;开始雇用 take over接受;接管;借用;接办 take down记下;拆卸;记下来;取下 take place发生;进行;举行;产生 take apart拆卸;拆开;分辨;区分 take sharp有显着发展;形成;初具规模;成形 take notes记笔记;做笔记;记录;作笔记 Take position坐盘;抢占位置;抢位 take a break休息一会儿 take a chance on冒险 take a hand in干预,参与,手;帮助 take a hike走路;滚开;哪凉快那歇着去 take a look看一下 take a rain check改期 take a walk散步 take action采取行动;提出诉讼 take away带走,拿走,取走 take care of照顾;注意;抚养 take charge掌管,负责;主持;不受控制 take delight in乐于 take photos照相,拍照;摄影 take position坐盘;抢占位置;采取某种态度 take possession of占有;占领 take things as they come 既来之则安之;安于现状,对一切事情处之泰然 take...to...带...去...
再答: in turn 轮流,依次 turn off 关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向 turn into v. 变成;进入 turn on 打开,发动 turn out 生产;结果是;关掉;出动;驱逐 turn over 移交给;翻阅;把…翻过来;发动;营业额达到;反复考虑 turn left v. 向左转 turn right v. 向右转 turn around 船只留港 turn in 交上;归还;拐入;告发;[口]上床睡觉 turn back 往回走;阻挡;翻回到 turn up 出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧 turn out to be 结果是;原来是 turn down 拒绝;向下转折 turn from 对…感到厌恶 your turn 轮到你;该你了 turn away 避开;解雇;不准…入内;走开;转过脸 turn round 转身,转向;归航;回车道;转变 turn of the century 世纪之交;19世纪与20世纪转换交替时期;19世纪末20世纪初 by turns 轮流;交替
再答: 1. break down破圌坏, 毁掉; 破除;制圌服;坍塌, 坏掉;(计划等)失败, 破裂;(健康、精神)崩溃;分解   Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了?   The old ruLЕS must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制圌度必须废除。   The pоlice tried to break down the prisoners’ opposition.警方设法圌制圌服囚犯的反圌抗。   Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆圌炸, 昨夜这座桥倒塌了。   Your plan has broken down. What a pity! 你的计划失败了, 真遗憾!   After a long time of hard work, he almost broke down. 长时间艰苦劳动之后, 他的身圌体几乎垮了。   Why did the pe圌ace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了?   This matter will break down in water. 这种物质在水中会分解。   2. break in破圌门圌而圌入, 打断   Last night a thief broke in and stole away his camera. 昨夜一个小偷闯了进来, 偷走了他的相机。   He broke in with some ideas of his own.   他插了话, 说了说自己的一些看法。   3. break into破圌门圌而圌入, 突然……起来   They broke into the prison and set free all the prisoners. 他们冲进监狱,释放了所有的囚犯。   Hearing the sad news, the old woman broke into tears. 听到这个悲哀的消息, 这位老年妇女突然哭了起来。   4. break out战争爆发, 争吵爆发, (火灾)发生   When did the war break out? 这场战争是什么时候爆发的?   I hАVe heard that a quarrel broke out beТWeen them. 我听说他们之间爆发了争吵。   More than one hundred fires broke out in our city last year. 去年我市发生了一百多起火灾。   5. break away from打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯   You must break away from these old customs. 你们必须破除这些旧风俗。   The dog broke away from its owner and ran away. 狗挣脱了主人, 跑了。   You’d better break away from the habit of SΜoking. 你最好改掉吸烟的习惯。   6. break through 出现,突破   It was a cloudy day, but the sun at last broke through.原本是个阴天, 不过太阳最后还是出来了。   Our soldiers successful ly broke through the enemy’s defences. 我们的战士成功地突破了敌军的防线。   7. break up打碎,拆散, 分圌裂、分解   Let’s break up the whole into parts. 让我们化整为零。8. break into pieces破成碎片   The mirror fell to the ground and broke into pieces. 镜子掉到地上摔成了碎片。   9. break one’s word/promise食言, 说话不算数   I believe in him, because he never breaks his word / promise. 我信任他, 因为他从来不食言。   10. break the law/rule违反法圌律/规章制圌度   Nobody can break the ruLЕS of our company. 没有人能违背我们公圌司的规章制圌度。   11. break forth突然发出, 爆发, 迸发, 发作   The crowd broke forth in cheers. 欢呼声从人群中迸发出来。   12. break in ТWo使破成两半   When I hit the ball, my bat broke in ТWo. 击球时我的球拍断成两截。   13. break the record打破纪录   This athlete has just broken the world record in men’s high jump. 这名运圌动员刚刚打破了男子跳高世界纪录。   14. break one’s heart使某人心碎, 使某人悲痛欲绝   To tell you the truth, the bad news broke my heart at that time. 说实话, 那时这个坏消息使我悲痛万分。
再答: pass along 沿...走, 路过 (= pass down)(公共汽车售票员用语)往里走, 往前走 pass around 分,分发, 传送 pass away 度过, 消磨时间 (时间等)过去 终止, 消失, 死亡 pass belief 使人不能相信 pass between 二人之间交换(言语、手势、暗号等) pass beyond 超过 pass by从...旁边经过; 时间逝去 忽视, 遗漏 避开, 躲开 pass by on the other side 不帮助, 不同情 pass down (= pass along) (世代)相传, 传下来 pass for 被看做, 被认为, 冒充 pass into 考进 进入, 载入, 变成 pass from among us (丢下我们)死掉 pass off 进行到最后, 完成 停止, 消失 应付过去; 克服 不放在心上, 置之不理 骗入, 冒充, 诡称(as, for) pass on前进, 继续下去, (时间)过去 传递; 留给; 转嫁 逝世 转入, 进入 使(人们)受益[分享, 分担] (pass on sth.)完全不要某物 pass out 死 出去 [口]昏过去, 醉得不省人事 不复(存在), 不再(出版), 不能(看见、听到) 毕业, 结业 分送(礼品), 分发 pass over 横过, 越过, 渡过 省略, 忽略, 回避 放过, 宽恕 复述, 回顾, 匆匆地看过[处理] 去世 pass (round) the hat 募捐 pass sb. off as 把某人[某物]充作... pass sth. off as 把某人[某物]充作... pass sb. off for 把某人[某物]充作... pass sth. off for 把某人[某物]充作... pass through 经过, 经历 修毕(课程) 刺过, 刺穿 pass to 传给, 转到, 通到 pass up 把...往上呈 放过, 放弃; 拒绝 修完课程 pass upon 判断, 鉴定, 发表意见 pass on判断, 鉴定, 发表意见 pass sth around 把---传递给(---中的)每个人 A picture was passed around the class.班上的同学传看一幅画 pass away 亡故;消失 She passed away peacefully in her sleep她是在睡梦中安详地过世的 pass between sb 在(两人的眉目,语言等)之间 A look of understanding passed between Ann and Carla安和卡拉心照不宣地交换了一下目光 pass by 过去;逝去 The weeks passed by and sha didn't call几个星期过去了,她没打电话来 pass by sb/sth 通过;经过 I saw the procession pass by我看见队伍走过 pass sb/sth by 未影响(某人或某事) The whole business passed him by他没有察觉到发生了什么事 pass sth down 流传;使世代相传 Some of the furniture has been passed down through the family有些家具是一代一代传下来的 pass for /as sb 被当作某人,被看成某人 He speaks French well enough to pass for a Frenchman他说法语很流利,很容易被当作法国人 pass into sth 成为其中一部分;溶入;纳入 Many foreign words have passed into English许多外来词语已被英语吸收过来 pass off 事情---地过去;(疼痛,药效)逐渐消失 The symptoms should pass off within 24 hours症状应该在24小时内消失 pass on 开始下一项(活动,讨论等) Let's pass on to the next item on the agenda我们进行下一个议程吧 pass sth on (用后)传递,传给 I'll pass this book on to you when i've finished with it我看完这本书就给你 pass sb on to sb 把某人交给他人;安排他人接手 I'm afraid i can't answer your question,but i'll pass you on to my colleague恐怕我不能回答你的问题,不过我可以请我的同事回答你 pass out 昏迷;失去知觉 He almost passed out with the pain他痛得快要昏了 pass sth out 分发;分配 The teacher asked me to pass the books out老师让我把书发给大家 pass over sb/sth 在---上方经过 The planes pass directly over the hospital飞机都从医院的正上方飞过 pass sb/sth over (to sb)将---交给(某人) The doctor passed the baby over to the nurse医生把婴儿交给护士照料 pass through;pass through sth 经过;路过 We're not staying here,we're just passing through我们只是路经此地,不会久留
再答: pass through sth 经受;经历;遭受 She passed through s difficult period after her divorce她离婚之后一度倍受煎熬 pass sth up 放弃,不要(机会,帮助等) She passed up the chance of a trip to Rome她放弃了去罗马旅游的机会
再答: come about 发生 come across 遇见…… come after 跟随 come along 随同 come and go 来来去去 come apart 破碎 come around 来 come at 到达 come away 掉下 come back 回来 come before 优先于…… come between 介入……之间 come by 走过 come down 降下 come for 来迎接 come forward 挺身而出 come in 进来 come into 进入 come of 由……产生 come off 从……掉落 come on 上演 come out 出来 come out of 出自 come through 经过 come to 来,到 come together 和好 come under 归入……类别 come up 上升 come upon 发现…… come up with 想出,找出(答案)
再答: Let's face it. st. 面对现实吧! let-alone adj. 放任(主义), 不管的 let-off [`letCf] n. 宽恕, 释放, 解除 let-out n. 遁道 let-up n. 1.停止 2.放松,减弱 let alone v. 不管, 不打扰 let an opportunity slip 坐失良机 let blood v. 放血, 抽血 let by 让人过去, 给...让路 Let bygones be bygones pr. 既往不咎 既往不究, 过去的事就让它过去吧 let daylight into v. 使问题明朗 let down v. 放下, 使失望, 辜负, 松劲, 减速下降 let drop 使跌下, 丢下 let fall 放下(吊桥等) 使(帷幕)落下 let fall a hint 暗示 示意 露口风 let fly v. 发射, 猛烈, 攻击 let go v. 放开, 释放, 发射 let in v. 放进, 允许...进入, 嵌入 let loose v. 释放, 放出, 放任 let off v. 放出, 饶恕, 准许...暂停工作 let on 透露, 假装 let out v. 放掉, 泄露, 放大, 出租 let pass v. 放过, 不追究 let slide v. 不关心 let slip v. 放走, 松开, 错过, 无意中说出 let up v. 停止, 中止, 放松
再答: 好了,累死了⊙▽⊙
再答: 亲,对我的回答满意的话,就给个好评吧。如果还有不清楚的地方,可以跟我继续交流哦。
再问: 感谢