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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/04 10:06:35
再问: 那总结怎么写呢。。谢谢有关学习英语的
再答: 第一部分,开头,简单描述一下时间,为什么要总结。 比如:How time flies! The first month of this term has passed. And another monthly exam is around the corner. 时间过得真快,这学期第一个月就这样结束了,又一次月考也临近了。 第二部分,描述一下自己在最近的这段时间里,学到了什么,有了什么进步。 比如:During the first month, I have learned many things. The first thing I have learned is the present perfect tense. It is used to express a past event that has present consequences. For example, 。。。The second thing I have learned is 。。。在过去的这个月里,我学习的第一个知识点是现在完成时态。它是用来描述一件事情发生在过去、已经完成、并对目前造成影响的时态。例如,。。。(然后举几个例句)。。。我学到的第二个知识点是。。。(具体描述第二个学到了什么)。。。 第三部分,这是重点。描述一下哪些地方没学好,有什么不足,怎样克服。具体跟第二个相似,What I have not quite understood is the simple future tense. I am confused at the difference between the future and present tense. I was absent absent for those two classes because of illness. So I wish Ms. Li would help me make up my missing lessons to catch up with my classmates.(我没有完全理解的知识点是一般将来时,我对将来时和现在时的区别有些困惑,那两节课我因病缺课了。所以我希望李老师能帮助我补课,赶上其他同学的进度。)And there are some words I have not memorized, too. I have written them down along with their meanings and usages on a tiny notebook so that I can easily carry it in my pocket and try to memorize them whenever I can. I hope I can master them all before the exam. (还有一些单词没有记住。我把它们以及各自的含义和用法抄在了一个小本子上随身携带,随时可以拿出来背诵。希望我能在考试之前把它们掌握。) 第四部分,最后这部分基本就是口号,再接再厉,努力学习之类的。 比如:When there is a will, there is a way. I will spare no time and effort to fill the gaps of my learning and to improve my English. I am ready for the exam!