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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/12 17:53:06
吨 厘米 千克 平方分米 平方厘米 立方厘米
2.45米=( ) 3.12吨=( )
36平方分米50平方厘米=( ) 4005千克=( )
(2)、估计你的身高大约是( ),你现在所在教室黑板面积大约是( ).
(3)、一根绳子对折3次后从中间剪开,可以剪成( )段绳子.
(5)、分母是10的所有最简真分数的和是( ).
( )
( )
(6)、在15和5,20和3,160和20,2和253,0.9和0.3各数中,有约数和倍数关系的数是( ).
(7)、修一条长500米的水渠,已经修了 ,没有修的比已经修的多 , ,没有修的有 ( )米.
(8)、一段体积是52.8立方分米的圆柱林料,切削成一个最大的圆锥体,削去部分的体积是( )立方分米.
(9)、一种精密零件长5毫米,把它画在比例尺是12:1的零件图上长应画( )厘米.
(10)、中国体育代表团在第十三届亚运会中获得金牌129块,在第十四届亚运会中获得金牌150块,增加了( )%.
(11)、如果 = ,那么X和Y成( )关系;如果14X=Y,那么X和Y成( )关系.
(12)、如果用一张正方形纸的周长是12分米,把它剪成一个最大的圆形,那么圆的周长是( )分米.
(1)用一个放大5倍的放大镜看一个30度的角,放大后看到角的度数是( ).
A、150度 B、30度 C、60度 D、不能确定
(3)、一个整数精确到万位是30万,这个数精确前可能是( )
A、294999 B、309111 C、304997
(4)一个圆柱体的侧面展开图是一个正方形.这个圆柱底面直径与高的比是( ).
A、1:π B、1:2π C、1:4 π D、2:π
(5)判断下列关系式成立的有( )
A、奇数+奇数=奇数 B、质数×质数=合数 C、合数+合数=合数
4 -2.63+5 +0.37 ×[5 -(2 +3 )]
13.5÷[1.5×(1.07+1.93)] 40 ÷ 8+6 ×
= 2X-1 +2.35 = 7
①一个数的 加上2.8,等于12.8,求这个数.
②80的12%加上1.25除 的商,和是多少?


0 100 200米
(1)镇政府位于十字街 边大约 米处;
6、缙云实验小学四年级有120人参加数学开放题竞赛.获奖人数占总人数的 ,而获奖人数中的 是女生.获奖的男生占总人数的几分之几?(4分)
class _________ Name ________________
第一部分 听力部分
一、 Listen and choose. 听音,选出你所听到的单词、短语或句子.
( ) 1. A. longer B. heavier C. smaller
( ) 2. A. have a cold B. have a headache C. have a toothache
( ) 3. A. learned Chinese B. took pictures C. rowed a boat
( ) 4. A. What did you do this morning? B. What did you do yesterday?
C. What did you do last weekend?
( ) 5. A. His legs hurt. B. His arm hurts. C. He hurts his legs.
二、 Listen and choose the answers. 听问句,选答句
( ) 6. A. I’m 154 cm tall. B. I’m 13 years old. C. I’m 50 kg heavy.
( ) 7. A. I am going to the park. B. I played football yesterday. C. She is singing.
( ) 8. A. Yes, I did. B. yes, it is. C. No, he can’t.
( ) 9. A. I have a headache. B. I can play the piano. C. I am going at 1:00.
( ) 10. A. I went to Beijing on my holiday. B. I took pictures and rowed a boat.
C. I went there by plane.
三、 Listen and choose the pictures. 听音,选图画.
11. 12. 13.
四、 Listen and number. 听音,排序.(用16、17、18、19、20排序)
( ) It was a windy day. I flew a kite in a park. ( ) He jumped into the lake and swam to it.
( ) Suddenly my kite flew into the lake. ( ) Five minutes later, he returned the kite to me.
( ) A dog saw the kite.
五、 Listen and tick or cross 听短文,填数字,完成表格.
Name Where Flight number Departure time
Mike Cheng du CA4116
Sarah Harbin
John 13:55 pm
Amy Urumqi
Chen Jie
第二部分 笔试部分
六、 Read and choose. 读一读,选出不属于同一类的单词.
( )1. A .older B. younger C. taller D. other
( )2. A. company B. closet C. factory D. shop
( )3. A. rain B. wind C. kite D. cloud
( )4. A. swim B. swing C. sing D. flower
( )5. A. bookstore B. post card C. cinema D. park
七、 Read and match. 配对.从B栏中选出能回答A栏问题的答案.
( )1. How do you feel? A. of course!
( )2. What did you do last weekend? B. I saw the pandas.
( )3. Did you read books? C. No, he can’t.
( )4. How was your weekend? D. I played football last weekend.
( )5. Where did you go on your holiday? E. She is washing clothes.
( )6. Can you help me with the bag, please? F. Yes, I did.
( )7. What did you see? G. It was a busy weekend.
( )8. Can Zhang Peng play the piano? H. I feel happy.
( )9. What is Amy doing? I. I’m 154 cm tall.
( )10. How tall are you? J. I went to Beijing on my holiday.
八、 Choose the right answer. 读句子,根据句子意思从ABC中选择正确的选项填空.
( )1. This is ____ stamp. It’s ____ American stamp.
A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a
( )2. They like _________ to music. Listen, now they _______ the violin.
A, listening B, listens C, listen
( )3. My throat _____ sore, my nose _____.
A. is, hurt B. are, hurts C. is hurts
( )4. Your bag is bigger than ______.
A. my B. mine C. me
( )5. What he on Sundays?
A. do…do B. does…do C. is…doing
( )6. He usually _________ comic books ______ the evening.
A, reads, in B, read , at C, is reading, on
( )7. When _______ you _______ there last night
A, did, go B, did, go to C, do, go
( )8. Lucy is ten years old. Kate is nine years old. So Kate is _______ than Lucy.
A. older B. younger C. fatter
( )9. How many oranges _________ you___________ yesterday ?
A、do , buy B、are , buying C、did , buy
( )10. She_________ the __________ test.
A, fail, chinese B. fails, chinese C. failed, Chinese
九、 Look and write. 看下图完成句子.
1. ---What’s the ________ ________ you?--- I have a _______________.
2. ---What __________ you do last weekend?---I _________ ______________.
3. ---Did you ___________ good food?---No, I didn’t. I _____________ presents.
4. ---What did Zoom do on his holiday?---He ____________ _____________.
2. 3. 4.
5. ---How ____________ are you, Chen Jie? 5.
--- I’m 35 kg. You’re 4 kg _________ than me. 31kg 35kg
十、 Rearrange the sentences. 组词成句, 注意题后标点.
1. on, did, where, your, holiday, go, you (?)__________________________________________
2. with, sang, I, and, new, danced, friends, my (.)
3. the, left, turn, at, lights, traffic (.)_________________________________________________
4. am, book, to, buy, a, I, comic, going, tomorrow (.)
5. can, I, to, how, get, shopping, the center (?)________________________________________
十一、 Read and answer. 阅读下面短文,选择正确答案 .
Mike is seven and begins to go to school this week. It’s Sunday. His mother, Mrs Smith, doesn’t go to work. Mike wants to go to the zoo. He gets up at six thirty and asks his mother to take him there. After breakfast, they go to the bus stop. They are waiting for the bus at the bus stop. They want to take a No. Three bus. “Look, Mum!” cries the boy. “A No. Three bus is coming!” “No, dear,” says Mrs Smith, “It isn’t No. Three bus. It’s No. Twenty-one.” “You’re wrong.” Says Mike, “My teacher says two and one is three!”
( ) 1. Mike is a student of Grade __________.
A. One B. Two C. Three D. We don’t know.
( ) 2. Mike is going to the zoo with his __________.
A. father B. mother C. sister D. parents
( ) 3. Mrs Smith and her son want to go to the zoo by ___________.
A. car B. bike C. boat D. bus
( ) 4. Mike thinks ___________, so he is crying.
A. two and one is three. B. A No. Twenty-one bus is coming.
C. A No. Three bus is coming. D. He doesn’t know.
( ) 5. Who is wrong?
A. The teacher is. B. Mike is. C. Mrs Smith is. D. His father is.
一、 听音,选出你听到的单词,每个单词读两遍.(做对5个可得10分)
( )1. A cola B color C cool
( )2. A born B boy C toy
( )3. A term B team C time
( )4. A module B model C made
( )5. A word B world C what
( )6. A later B letter C light
二、 听音,连线,每小题读两遍.(做对5个可得10分)
1. What do you want? A Sorry, I can’t.
2. When are we going to eat? B I want a hamburger, please.
3. Who can help me? C We’re going to eat at 12.
4. Did you go to a farm? D Yes, I did.
5. What are you doing? E Daming gave it to me.
6. Who gave it to you? F I’m watching TV.
三、 听短文,把所缺的单词填入空格中,读两遍.(做对5个可得10分)
Last weekend I ___ to the beach with my mum. It ___ a beautiful day. I ___ a postcard to my grandparents. I bought a book about the sea for my dad. And I bought ____ for my friends. I ___ lots of photos. We ____ very happy.
( )1. The balloons are flying away .
( )2. It’s going to snow in Harbin.
( )3. Louis Braille was born in 1809.
( )4. Why have you got cups on your heads?
( )5. He spent 22 minutes in the park.
( )6. Last Sunday, we had a picnic in the park.
1. A cola, please. 2.A hot dog, please. 3 And to drink? 4. Thank you.
5.That’s a hot and a cola. 6. What do you want, please?
六 、请把所给单词或短语与其汉语意思连起来.(做对5个可得10分)
1. fly away A 中学
2. all over B 上车
3 out of C 飘走
4. get on D 告别
5. say goodbye to E 到处
6. middle school F 往外……
1. having, birthday, a, is, party, Daming,
2. I, going, am, the, zoo, to,
3. bought, sister, my, a, book, I, for,
4. wrote, she, book, about, a, herself,
5. is, Daming, trumpet, playing, again, the,
6. travel, he, a, made, about, video, space, his,
八、 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择填空.(15分)
The birds are going to fly away for the winter. They are sitting in trees, sitting and calling to each other. Wang Yong is looking up at them sadly. He doesn’t want the birds to go. Winter is cold and snowy in Wang Yong’s village. Now the birds are flying away and he is sad. “Goodye , birds.” he says, “Come back again next year.”
( )1. The birds are getting ready to fly___place.
A. warm B.cold C. snowy
( )2. In winter, it is___in Wang Yong’s village.
A. warm B. cold C. icy
( )3. The birds are flying away and Wang Yong feels ___
A. sad B. happy C. angry
( )4. The birds will come back in__.
A. winter B. summer C. autumn
( )5. Then the weather were getting ____.
A. colder and colder B. cooler and cooler C. warmer and warmer
A:Do you know Helen Keller?
A:Can you tell me more about her?