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来做一做 我打得累死了,不擅长英语的滚远点!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/23 23:49:04
来做一做 我打得累死了,不擅长英语的滚远点!
We know the sun, the earth and the moon are in the universe. We see the sun in the daytime and the moon in the night.
The sun is much bigger than the earth, and the earth is bigger than the moon. So the sun is the biggest and the moon is the smallest. The earth goes round the sun day and night. It goes at 30 kilometers a second. The moon is our satellite(卫星). It is also our neighbor. It goes round the earth all the time. The moon goes at 8 kilometers a second. The moon can't give out light or heat itself, and nothing can live on it. Men live on the earth. It is going round itself all the time. The earth gives us lives, food, water and so on. We must get on well with it.
60,What did the writer talk about in the passage?
A,How the sun,the earth,the moon and the stars move.
B,How the moon gives our out light
C,The earth is our friend,so we should be good to it
D, A,B and C
来做一做 我打得累死了,不擅长英语的滚远点!
再问: B好像错了吧这里写The moon can't give out light or heat itself,做不到还谈什么怎么做? A也是的,没有说到星星怎么赚吧
再答: how the moon gives out light 意思是:月亮是怎么发光的。文中有描述啊,月亮不会自己发光
再问: 月亮不会发光还在么发光而且A也是的,没有说到星星怎么移动吧
再答: 是没说到星星怎么运动。。。但这个题我觉得光选C肯定有问题啊
再问: 怎么有问题了?只有C对,还能选什么
再答: 问题是问,作者在文章中说些什么,应该是指大意吧
再问: 他确实没说星星怎么转呀,所以不能选|A和D,B又没说,C吧
再答: 但这篇文章并不是整篇都在说地球是我们的朋友。。
再问: talk about是谈论的意思 问题就是:作者在文中谈论到了什么? 只谈论到了C吧
再答: 那你选C吧,我觉得这题出得迷糊,问题很容易让人误解
再问: ...我都考完试了,来对一下答案而已 把你QQ给我,我以后来问你(QQ给我就给你5分吧)
再答: 501378845