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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/05 03:00:22
William Delbert Gann (June 6, 1878 – June, 1955), usually just
called W. D. Gann, currently garners little name-recognition with the general public, but is well-known amongst traders. He was recognized not only for his trading abilities, but also for his financial market forecasts; the accuracy of these forecasts is the subject of substantial debate, and Gann's son later alleged that many of Gann's claims were fraudulent.
1 History 2 Controversy
3 Books by W D Gann

HistoryGann was born in Lufkin, Texas on June 6, 1878. He started trading in stocks and commodities in 1902, and in 1908 he moved to New York City and opened his own brokerage firm. His early trading career was far from successful and he went bust more than once. This impelled him to analyse the markets and claim successful predictions. Controversy surrounds his claims of trading successes and whether he did indeed reveal his real methods or whether he took his secrets to the grave.
Gann claimed to have made over 50 million dollars in profits from his market forecasting and trading. After five decades of forecasting and trading, WD Gann moved to Florida where he continued writing, publishing, teaching, and studying the markets up until his death in June, 1955.
He claimed to base his market trading and forecasting methods on time, as well as on price, and said repeatedly that "time is the most important" when it comes to analysing and forecasting market movements. He claimed to be able to determine not only what the turning-point's price would be, but also when it would occur.
ControversyW D Gann's only son John Gann is alleged to have said that Gann never did actually make the sum that was claimed and actually lived off the proceeds of the books and courses that he sold.[citation needed]
Books by W D Gann
Tunnel Thru The Air, or looking back from 1940
Truth of The Stock Tape
Wall Street Stock Selector
How to Make Profts Trading in Commodities
45 Years in Wall Street
Magic Word
How to Make Profits Trading In Puts And Calls (an early text on trading options)
Face Facts America
威廉 德尔伯特 江恩 (1968年6月6号-1955年6月),一般称为W.D.江恩,目前赢得了公众的微薄的肯定,但是他主要被商人所熟知.他不仅在交易方面被认可,而且他对金融市场的预测能力也为人称道;这些预测的准确性成为了讨论的对象,江恩的儿子之后宣称许多江恩的主张都是带有欺骗性的.
1 历史 2争议 3.WD江恩的著作
WD 江恩的书籍
ps: 楼下欧吉维是对的,是我疏忽了,是该翻译为“他声称他不仅能够决定转折点的价格是多少,而且能够决定此转折点出现在什么时候”.