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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/25 09:42:20
“with +复合宾语”结构 既可用作定语,也可用作状语. 常见的“with +复合宾语”结构主要有以下五种形式: 1)with +宾语+动词-ing形式 ①With the boy leading the way, we had no trouble in getting to the station. 由这个男孩带路,我们不难到达了火车站. ②With the wind blowing heavily, we took great trouble to move on to the front. 由于风刮得很大,我们费力地往前线进发. 2)with +宾语+过去分词(past participle) ①The child was crying with the glasses broken. 眼镜破了,那小孩哭了起来. ②With all the work finished, they hurried back home for lunch. 所有的工作都做完了,他们匆忙回家吃午饭. 3)with +宾语+不定式 ①With a lot of work to do, we had to be busy working day and night. 有这么多的工作要做,我们只得日夜忙碌. ②With many things to deal with, I have to stop listening to the light music. 有许多事要处理,我只好停止收听轻音乐. 4)with +宾语+介词短语 ①The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand. 老师手中拿着一本书走进教室. ②She saw a small river with green grass and red flowers on both sides. 她看到一条小河,两岸长满了红花绿草. 5)with +宾语+形容词(或副词) ①Don't sleep with the door and windows open. 不要开着门窗睡觉. ②Tian An Men Square looks even more beautiful with all lights on. 所有的灯都亮着,天安门广场显得更加漂亮. 【注意】“with +复合宾语”在句中既可以用作状语表示方式或伴随动作,又可以用作定语.例如: ①The teacher entered the classroom, with a book in his hand. 老师手里拿了一本书走进了教室. ②With a boy leading the way, we had little trouble in finding the old man's house. 一个男孩带路,我们不难就找到了那位老人的家. ③The teacher with a book in his hand is a new English teacher. 手里拿着一本书的那位老师是一位新来的英语老师. ④The wounded soldier with an old man leading the way got to the hospital very soon. 由一位老人带路的那个伤员很快就到达了医院. 某些及物动词后面能跟双宾语(即:间接宾语+直接宾语)或复合宾语(即:宾语+宾语补足语),这两种宾语的形式虽然相似,但结构与意义却不同.那么如何区分双宾语和复合宾语呢? (1)从动词上区分. 一些动词后面常跟双宾语,这类动词有give,show,bring,read,pass,lend,tell,leave,teach,write,buy,sing等.例如: The teacher gives each of them an eraser.老师给他们每人一块橡皮. They teach us Chinese and we teach them English.他们教我们汉语,我们教他们英语. The old man told us a story yesterday.那位老人昨天给我们讲了一个故事. 一些动词后面常跟复合宾语,这类动词有let,see,watch,hear,help,feel,keep,call,make,find,tell,ask,think,want等.例如: We must keep the classroom clean.我们必须保持教室清洁. He didn’t let me go.他不让我走. They call the bird“Polly”.他们叫这鸟“波利”. (2)从充当这两个成分的词的词性上来区分. 在双宾语中,能充当间接宾语或是直接宾语的一般是名词或代词.而在复合宾语中,能充当宾语补足语成分的则较多,如名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式(短语)和分词(短语).例如: She showed us(pron.)a new TV set(n.).(双宾语) He gave Tom(n.) a piece of paper(n.).(双宾语) We call him Lao Li(n.).(复合宾语) Don’t keep the light on(adv.).(复合宾语) They must keep their hands behind their backs(介词短语).(复合宾语) I won’t let you try again(不定式短语).(复合宾语) The other students in the class keep their eyes closed(过去分词).(复合宾语) (3)从构成宾语的间接宾语和直接宾语之间与构成复合宾语的宾语和宾语补足语之间的关系上区分. 在双宾语中,两个宾语间的关系比较松散,有的句子去掉其中一个宾语,句子仍然成立.双宾语一般表示“为谁(forsb.)或给谁(to sb.)……”,即“及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语”的结构可以改写为“及物动词+直接宾语+for sb.或to sb.”的结构.例如: Please show me your new book.→Please show yournew book to me.请给我看看你的新书. She bought me some tomatoes.→She bought sometomatoes for me.她给我买了一些西红柿. 宾语和宾语补足语之间关系比较紧密,去掉其中一个成分,句子就不能成立或句意不完整.而且当名词、形容词、副词、介词短语作宾语补足语时,和宾语之间具有“主系表关系”;当不定式(短语)或分词(短语)作宾语补足语时,和宾语之间具有“主谓关系”.例如: We made Tom monitor.(Tom is monitor.) We will make our country more beautiful.(Our countrywill be more beautiful.) You should keep your dog in.(Your dog should be in.) I found him in Room 201.(He was in Room 201.) He makes us work ten hours a day.(We work ten hoursa day.) we heard her singing in the room.(She was singing inthe room.) 表语是出现在表语从句中,例如“ That is what it is. The question is whether he is able to do it alone. 句中的is就是表语.那表语还有am,are等. 再给你举一些例子. What I know is that he can‘t do it.我所知道的是他不会做这见事. It looks as if(though)it is going to rain.天好象要下雨似的. 以it作形式主语,把主语从句后置的常用的句型有: (1)It + be + 形容词 + that从句 (2)It + be + 名词词组 + that从句 (3)It + be + 过去分词 + that从句 (4)It seem, happen等不及物动词 + that从句 形式宾语就是它并不是真正的宾语,而是用IT来代替的,这句话中TRAVEL AROUND是真正的宾语,为了不使句子有头重脚轻的感觉,所以宾语后至,但前边必须加个形式宾语.这句话若不使用形式宾语为:Li lei finds travling around the city is hard beacause he dosen't know the way.