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海纳百川老师 help !help!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/13 18:28:27
老师您好 我们学校 有个课本剧 我比较有志于演 AMY 怎么才能使音调更生动 更有表现力呢 您有什么好的建议吗? 给您看下台词吧 以下A 为 AMY 的台词 希望老师您更帮帮我 谢谢老师 Claire是个明星 AMY是她的经纪人 请您看下台词 Claire is sleeping soundly. Amy: Claire! Claire! Get up quickly! It's five o'clock now. We will be late for the plane! C: Oh! Don't disturb me. I want some more sleep. Amy: No! You know, today you have so many things to do! Listen! Twenty minutes later we must get to the airport, or we can’t catch the plane to Shanghai! You have a performance in Shanghai at 8 0’clock. After that, you’ll attend the press conference. A lot of reporters and fans will be there waiting to see you! After lunch, you will have a talk with Mr. White, the chairman of Children Fund. At 3’clock, we must fly back to Beijing to join the charity dance and then you need to… C: Stop! Oh, my God! I just want to keep on sleeping! Amy:Oh! Come on! We need you. Don't you want to make more and more money, and become more and more famous? C: Yes! I want that, but… A: That's right. Now get up and we will leave in five minutes. Act Four: at the concert A lot of reporters and fans are waiting for Claire! R/ F: Claire! Claire! Here comes Claire! F: Claire! Claire! We love you! A: Ladies and gentlemen! Let’s welcome our beautiful charming superstar“ Claire”! C: Hello, everyone! I’m so happy to be here! I love you all! Today I will sing the new song in my album. Reporter1: What’s wrong? R2: It’s so awful! Fan1 to Fan2: Do you like this song? Fan2: Actually… not! Fan3: We got up at 3 a.m. only to hear such awful songs! Claire’s face turns red. R1: Claire. What’s wrong with your voice? Can you sing in the future? R2: It is rumored that you got a new boyfriend. Tell us something about your new boyfriend. Amy: Claire has no new boyfriend. Please don't spoil her reputation. R3: Claire, will you go to Hawaii for holiday next month? C: Yes. Because I like Africa. All the people: Africa? Fans : My God! Hawaii isn’in Africa. C: Really? I … R1: Oh! Claire! Your geography is so poor. Reporter2: Ok, Claire, how much did you make this month? Cl: Well, I make 2 million dollars a week and one month has four weeks, so I have made...(he counts his fingers.) Reporter 1: 8 million dollars, Claire! Reporter 2: Why is your math so poor, too? Reporter 1: Did you graduate from high school? It seems that you are not well-educated. Reporter 3: Did you study hard when you were at school? Claire: Well, actually I always daydreamed in class. Fan1: Oh, Claire is not a good student. She is not a good singer either. I don’t like such kind of person. I won’t be her fan any more. ( throw the picture down. ) Fan2: Let’s go and find a real superstar. Amy: Oh, My God! Poor Claire. You disappointed me. I will not serve you any more! You can never bring money to me. Claire: No, don’t leave me! Please!
海纳百川老师 help !help!
解题思路: 音量音速高低起伏,错落有致。
1、处理好单词重音和次重音。当一个单词有两个或两个以上音节的时候,各个音节就会出现轻重之分,一般情况下,一个单词只有一个重音,其他音节弱读,但如果是多音节词,有可能除了主重音之外,还有次重音。如important, university, student, active, dessert, empty, computer等。
2、处理好不完全爆破音。带有不完全爆破音的词或句子,听起来好像有些音被吞掉,但实际上并未完全被吞掉。当两个辅音相邻时前面的辅音由于受后面辅音的影响,在发音时只需要做出这个音的口型,但不需要把音发出来。这种要发而不发出来的音就是我们所说的不完全爆破音。爆破音有6个:∕p∕∕b∕∕t∕∕d∕∕k∕∕g∕。发音规则有下面几种:(1)这六个音中任何两个因素相邻时,前者不完全爆破,只需做出口型即可。如act, hot dog, good boy, sit down, Act like a cat.(2)爆破音后跟破擦音∕t∫∕、∕d3∕和摩擦音∕s∕时,前者不完全爆破。如picture, books, breakfast等。(3)爆破音后跟鼻音∕m∕∕n∕∕l∕时,前者不完全爆破。如:good morning, grandmother, I’d like an orange. I’d like a banana.
3、处理好浊化音。浊化就是把清辅音发成与其相对应浊辅音。大家从一开始学习英语单词的时候就要注意浊化,否则养成习惯后就不好改过来了。一般情况下,在音节开头如果有两个在一起的清辅音,那么第二个清辅音就要浊化,即发成其相对的浊辅音。如:sp, sport speak; st stand start student; sk skirt sky school; str strict street 等。
4、处理好连读。中国人讲汉语时一般没有连读习惯,一字一音,紧而不连,但英美人对话时,不可能一字一字念出来,而是整串整串单词脱口而出,此时就会产生连音的现象。这些连音就是我们听不懂英文的一个主要原因。一般情况下,如果前一个词的词尾是辅音,后一个单词以元音开头,这两个单词就要连读。其实,连读的秘诀就是要将两个独立的单词完全拼在一起,把它们看成一个单词。但是连读只发生在句子中的同一个意群中,在两个意群之间,即使有两个相邻的辅音和元音音素出现也不连读。如:Not at all. an apple, an orange, good idea, stand up , What time is it? What day is it today? I like it.
但连读只发生在句子中的同一个意群中,在两个意群之间,即使有两个相邻的辅音和元音因素出现也不连读。如:There is a book in it.
其实我们对缩读并不陌生,在口语中,把“I am”读成“I’m”就是常见的缩读现象。如:I’m you’re he’s we’re they’re that’s there’s here’s I’ve you’re he’s she’s it’s can’t isn’t aren’t doesn’t don’t等
如:陈述句:My name is Mike.
特殊疑问句:以what,when,why,how,where,who,which,whose引导的疑问句。如:What’s your name? How many students are there in your class?
感叹句:How beautiful you are!
祈使句:Close the door!
一般疑问句用声调:Do you understand? Is this a desk? I beg your pardon?
特殊疑问句表达特殊感情用声调:How much is it? What?
问候语用声调:Good morning! Bye! Hi,Mike! See you!
升降混合用法:(1)并列成分前升后降:I have an English book,a Chinese book,a math book,a note book and two story-books. (2)选择问句前升后降:Do you want coffee,juice, or tea?
7、处理好轻、重、快、慢。一般来说:英语中动词、名词、形容词、副词、数词要重读,其它的词如冠词、介词、代词需轻读。篇章句子中重要的语句读得慢一些、重一些,反之快一些、轻一些。尤其是句中的人名、地名、数字、时间等内容要慢些、重些。There are 40 teachers in our school.
8、处理好名词复数的读法。(1)在以∕s∕∕z∕∕∫∕∕t∫∕∕d3∕等。结尾加es读作/iz/,如buses, washes,teaches,bridges。(2)浊辅音或元音结尾的单词在变复数时加“s”,读作/z/,如dogs,flowers,windows,French fries。(3)以/t/结尾的单词变复数时读ts,如lifts,students等。(4)以/d/结尾的单词变复数时读作/dz/,如goods (5)其余的以清辅音结尾的变复数后读/s/,如books等。
另要想把握好语音、语调,还要做到“三勤”:1、勤查字典。把拿不准的单词的读音一一落实,决不想当然,不能有半点含糊。2、勤听录音。要养成每天坚持听录音的习惯,认真模仿语音语调,尤其注意不同角色朗读的语调。听的时候注意录音中重读、连读、失去爆破、音的强弱等,特别注意中文中没有的发音。如Thank you, think, teach ,English等。3、勤练说。最好先将内容背诵下来,达到倒背如流,然后结合具体情境和意群,通过揣摩人物性格与语言特点,准确、流利、生动地表达内容,从而达到出神入化。