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模拟联合国主席用语!就是每一个流程主席应该怎么说 标准的哦从open the speaker's list一直到最后!英

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 23:48:16
就是每一个流程主席应该怎么说 标准的哦
从open the speaker's list一直到最后!
希望切题!比如 Let's do the roll call.
Let's open the speaker's list,countries who want to speak please raise your placard.
The simple majority is xxxxx
Are there any motions or points on the floor?
The delegate of xxxx motions for a XXXX are there any seonds?
This is out of order.
模拟联合国主席用语!就是每一个流程主席应该怎么说 标准的哦从open the speaker's list一直到最后!英
The introduction of the dais members.
Brief introduction of today’s conference.
1.Due to our limited time, the procedure of our meeting is subject to
minor modifications;
2. With regard to the order of the conference, you should not talk
freely and please respect the dais and other delegates.
3. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our conference,
you may send pages to us and we’ll reply you as soon as possible.
Chair: Now let’s start with the roll call part. We’ll give our time to
our rapporteur.
Rapporteur: now let’s do the roll call. Those countries who are
called please raise your placards and voice “present”.
“We have … countries present today. So the simple majority would
be …, and 2/3 majority would be…”
“Ok, that’s all for our roll call part.”
Chair: now let’s start our general speakers’ list. Those countries
who wish to speak please raise your placards. Please put down your
placard when your country is called.
Chair: Now we’d like to remind you that when your speaking time
has 10 seconds left, you’ll hear ”dodo”; when your time expires,
you’ll hear “dododo”.
Chair: now the delegate of Palestine, you have 2mins to address
your body.
The delegation of Russia arrives late and they’ve sent the dais a page
and ask to be added to the speakers’ list.
Chair: now the dais has received a page from the delegation of
Russia. They arrived late and have asked to be added to the speakers’
Chair: So the number of the countries present today is …, and the
simple majority is.., and the 2/3 majority is….
Israel has ended its speech.
Chair: the delegate of Palestine, you have 45 seconds left. To whom
would you like to yield time to?
Yield time to:
Chair: Are there any points or motions on the floor?
Chair: Now the delegate of Israel would like to yield his time
to questions. R there any questions on the floor?
Country B:
Chair: the delegate of Country B, you have 45 seconds to
address your body.
Chair: Now the delegate of Israel has yielded time to
comments. Are there any comments on the floor?
The delegate of Russia is making a speech, but the time is expiring.
(10 seconds left, the chair knocked the desk twice)
(Time’s up, the chair knocked 3 times): the delegate of Russia,
your time has expired.
Chair: Are there any points or motions on the floor?
Germany motions for a moderated caucus.
Chair: Now the delegate of Germany has a motion to start a
moderated caucus on the topic of “…”. The total time will be 15
minutes, and each delegate has 1 minutes to address his body. Now
we’ll have to vote. Those countries in favor of this motion please
raise your placards.
Motion passes:
Chair: this motion passes. Now let’s start a moderated caucus
on the topic of “…”. Those countries, who wish to speak, please
raise your placards.
Motion fails:
Chair: we’re sorry that this motion fails.
Chair: Are there any points or motions on the floor? Seeing none,
let’s go back to the formal debate.
Now there is a Draft Resolution on the floor, which has been
approved by the Director.
Chair: Now there is a Draft Resolution handed by Japan, which has
been approved by the Director, and is given to every delegate as
Draft Resolution 1.1. Now the sponsors of Draft Resolution 1.1 will
introduce the draft. Japan, you’ve got 3 minutes to address your
Chair: Now we have three minutes to receive any grammatical
questions regarding Draft Resolution 1.1. Are there any questions
on the floor?
Chair: Now we have received a motion from Mexico for Closure of
Debate. We need 2 speakers from each side to speak for and
against this motion. Those countries in favor of this motion please
raise your placard high….; those countries that are against this
motion… you’ve got 2 minutes to address your body…..
Chair: Now let’s vote for Closure of Debate. We’ll need a 2/3
majority to close our debate. Those countries in favor of this motion,
please raise your placard high.
This motion fails.
Chair: Now let’s go back to the formal debate. Are there any
motions or points on the floor?
This motion passes.
Chair: We will close our general speakers’ list. Now let’s vote
for the draft resolutions one by one. Those countries, whose names
are called, please voice “yes”, “no”, “abstain” or “pass”. Those
countries, who voice “pass”, can vote “yes”, “no” or “abstain” in the
second round.
Unfortunately, no draft resolution is passed today.
Draft Resolution 1.1 passes.