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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/10 00:51:29
Book 2Modules 5-6参考答案及部分解析
1-5 DDBCC 6-10 CAADD
11-15 ACCDB 16-20 CBBAC
21-25 DCDBD 26-30 BACBD
31-35 BDDCB 36-40 BACBA
41-45 ACDCC 46-50 ADBBA
51-55 ACDFG
56. Students in kindergarten through / to 12th grade.
57. A life-changing water purifier.
58. Special logos of Google.
59. To pursue art as a career.
60. Two times. / Twice.
61. ... sing songs to ... sing → sang
62. ... depths of boring. boring → boredom
63. ... someone agreed ... someone → everyone
64. ... reach at our ... 去掉at或reach → arrive
65. ... it seemed possible. possible → impossible
66. ... at the hotel. the → a
67. ... went out quiet ... quiet → quietly
68. ... trying to wake ... to前加not
69. ... so I forgot to ... so → because
70. ... go to the ... go → going
One possible version:
Famous sayings usually contain much wisdom and teach us some philosophy of life. “Change what you can change; accept what you can’t change” is just one such quote.
On the one hand, we should be optimistic, think positively and live actively. In other words, we should try our best to change everything around us for the better. One thing I’m sure we can change is our attitudes. With a positive attitude, we’re more likely to achieve our goals and realize our dreams.
On the other hand, there’re many things in our life which can’t be changed, such as our appearance and family background. We have to accept all of these because there’s no point in complaining about them.
1. D.play a part 是固定搭配,意为 “扮演一个角色”;at the age of 是固 定搭配,意为“在……岁”时.
2. D.由下句I’m looking forward to it 可知,应答者接受发话者的邀请,故选Absolutely(当然).
3. B.since 引导的从句用一般过去 时,主句用现在完成时.found 与it (The committee)之间是被动关系, 故用一般过去时的被动语态.
4. C.be doing ... when ... 是固定句 式,when 意为“这时、突然”.
5. C.设空处是形式主语,真正的主语 是that引导的从句,故选It.
6. C.名词前有first, last, next 等修饰 时,用不定式作后置定语.
7. A.题意:下个月一部新科幻小说将 出版(come out),它描述了一个可怕 的未来世界.pick out 挑出,辨认 出;set out 出发,着手进行;work out 计算出.
8. A.题干使用了强调句式,强调 tourism in this area,故选that.
9. D.题意:仅三个月公司总共(In total)盈利二百万美元.in advance 提前,预先;in order 有序地;in turn 反过来.
10. D.由上句及下句中的He can’t even steer straight 可知,应答者对 杰克通过了驾驶考试表示惊讶,故 选You can’t be serious(你一定是 在开玩笑吧).
本文是记叙文.小型马Molly 被狗咬伤后安了假肢,假肢的底部刻有笑脸.Molly因此成了希望的象征.
11. A.由下文的she speaks to people with her kind eyes可知.
12. C.由下文的she leaves an impression 可推断,即使当Molly“离去 (walks away)”时,她也会留下一个 印记.
13. C.由第四段末的This horseshoe had a smiling face in it 可知,Molly 的标记是一个“微笑(smile)”.
14. D.由第四段中的removed her infected leg ... an artificial body part, was made for her 可推断, Molly有一条假“腿(leg)”.
15. B.由下文的The dog bit Molly’s four legs 可知,Molly 曾被一只狗 “攻击(attacked)”. 16. C .由下文的The doctors were able to save Molly’s life 可知, Molly 被主人带到一家动物“医院 (hospital)”.
17. B.由第四段中的removed her infected leg可知.
18. B.由下文的But Molly changed their minds 及Molly 最终被截肢并 装上假肢的事实可推断,起初“医 生们(doctors)”认为被严重感染的 Molly不得不被杀死.
19. A.医生们“ 注意到(noticed)” Molly在努力地保护她健康的腿.
20. C.由上文的rested her good leg from time to time 及下文医生们全 力救Molly 可推断,医生们通过观 察知道Molly想要“活着(live)”.
21. D.由下文的removed her infected leg 可知,医生们给Molly“动手术 (operated)”.
22. C .由下文的called an artificial body part 可知,医生们给Molly 做 了一条“假(false)”腿.
23. D.由下文的This horseshoe had a smiling face in it 可推断,医生们给 了Molly 一个“特别的(special)”马 蹄铁.
24. B.手术后Molly 用四条腿四处走 动,“好像(as if)”什么都没有发生 一样.
25. D.由常识可知,Molly 在“松土 (dirt)”里才能踩踏出马蹄铁上微 笑的印记.
26. B.假体中心的孩子们和Molly 一 样有“假(artificial)”肢.
27. A.孩子们看到装有假腿的马感到 很“惊讶(amazed)”.
28. C.由最后一段中的Molly has become a symbol of hope可知.
29. B.有人“甚至(even)”写了一本关 于Molly的书.
30. D.Molly 的故事在人们的脸上清 晰地留下了微笑,就像她的马蹄铁 在沙土里“清晰地(clearly)”留下她 的印记一样.
本文是记叙文.文章讲述了Justin 和Mary 在叔叔家度假时的故事.
31. B.细节理解题.由第一段末的 Justin and Mary were determined to see the ghostly creature可知.
32. D.细节理解题.由文中的He could barely see the outline of Uncle Thomas’s boat 及“The foggy figure!” It was in the boat with them 可知.
33. D.细节理解题.由倒数第五段中的I knew that story would get you two out of bed early enough to take a ride in the boat with me可知.
34. C.推理判断题.通读全文可知,Justin 和Mary 在听了叔叔讲的关于雾中人的故事后很好奇并决定去看个究竟.强大的好奇心使他们克服了内心的恐惧和雾大的困难,并最终揭开了神秘的雾中人的真相.故C项正确.
本文是应用文.文章是对创作动物故事的作家Eliot Schrefer的采访.
35. B.推理判断题.由第一段Meet the amazing Eliot Schrefer, and see why we’re big fans 及第二段中的 Why do you write stories about animals 可推断,Eliot Schrefer 因创作精彩的动物故事而出名.
36. B.推理判断题.由第五段中的 Wandering that quiet, dark zoo was haunting. I was imagining adventures with big wild animals, but only the wolves were awake 可推断,Eliot Schrefer 很惊讶动物园会 那么安静.
37. A.细节理解题.由倒数第三段可知,Eliot Schrefer 之所以没有在故 事中明确写出Josie 的命运,是因为他觉得Josie的结局如何不重要,重要的是生物之间的同情和互助.
38. C.推理判断题.由最后一段末的 it also felt like a gift he was giving me. Oh, I remember thinking, you’re spending this precious morning time with me 可推断,Eliot Schrefer对他照顾的小倭黑猩猩持感激的态度.
39. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的 The state had threatened to shut it down for financial problems and academic failures. To cut costs ... 可知.
40. A.段落大意题.由第三段首句中的sports are so popular that no one realizes their actual cost 及下文所举 例子可知,本段主要是说学校为体育运动花了很多钱.
41. A.推理判断题.由倒数第四段中的Today, Premont has no debt, and the district will stay open. The science labs have even been repaired 可推断,取消体育运动省下了不少 钱.
42. C.观点态度题.由最后两段可推 断,作者支持该地取消或限制体育运动的做法.
43. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的I can’t be the only one who is now so much faster at typing ... where writing on the computer is far easier 可推断,作者喜欢用Lettrs写信.
44. C.词义猜测题.由该段前面的内容可知,正统主义者认为要真正地享受写信的快乐必须用笔在精致的纸上写信,并把它邮寄出去,后面的go for it 说明了要去尝试这样做,可推断该处意思为“对……感兴趣”,故答案为C项.
45. C.细节理解题.由第四段末的a “kitchen counter” for letters you have just received可知.
46. A.写作目的题.文章主要介绍了Lettrs 这一复古式通信网站;再由文章末的the sense of sitting down to write, quietly, to one person in a meaningful way 及Who would you write to?可推断,作者写作此文的目的是建议读者使用Lettrs写信.
47. D.细节理解题.根据第二、三段 中出现的the owner 可知,狗的主人也参与了研究.
48. B.细节理解题.根据第四段中对 机器人的介绍可知,它有两只胳膊.
49. B.细节理解题.根据第四段末的 The human experimenter could only do moves similar to the robot’s capabilities, and was therefore only allowed to use one hand to make specific gestures 可知,参与研究的人只能模仿机器人的动作,只能用一只手做手势.
50. A.推理判断题.根据最后一段的 However, further analysis of this result showed that the dogs were far better at finding the food when a socially behaving robot pointed it out to them可知.