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英语翻译①Zhang didn't really improve in the next games.Her coach

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/05 10:33:32
①Zhang didn't really improve in the next games.Her coach Li Sun was very disappointed (失望的).He said that if she went on playing like this she was sure to lose at some point.It was just a matter of when.
②Li's words were a blow (打击) to Zhang.She started to think how she could play better.She decided that she was thinking too hard about winning.So she said to herself:"Forget the result.Just think about playing."
③It didn't get any easier.Zhang found herself the only Chinese player in the finals.She was her country's last hope for gold.Zhang knew it was really important for her to beat (打败) her stress.
④In Coffee Prince,Yoon plays Go Eun Chan.Go's life is both bitter and sweet.She has to take any job she can get to support her family,but she never loses her passion for life.
⑤One day she gets a job in a coffee shop called Coffee Prince.Its owner is Choi Han Kyul (Gong Yoo,孔侑).He is a bad-tempered man and doesn't know what he wants in life.
⑥Go has short hair and wears baggy clothing.People mistake her for a man; Choi thinks this too.Go begins to fall in love with Choi and Choi with Go,but he thinks Go is a boy and doesn't know what to do.
⑦Anna won the American Preteen Cover Girl 2006 and Miss Southern California American Preteen Queen 2006.She was the first US-Chinese to get the latter in the 23-year history of the pageant.
⑧Anna and her mother have written a book together called Anna Cui,Memories of a Young Queen.On January 1,2008,Anna met with readers in Beijing.
⑨Anna was born in the US and her parents are both Chinese.The book,written in Chinese,has Anna's growing-up stories and tells how hard she has had to work to win her pageant titles.For example,Anna has been studying piano and ballet for about 10 years.
⑩For Miss American Preteen girls have to do many things.They have to give speeches,model clothes,act and cheerlead (啦啦队).They also have to prove they're good at school,can write a thank-you letter,do voluntary work and show they have a good personality.Each year over 15,000 girls take part in the competition.
⑾Anna got $1,500 for her prize.What did she do with the money?She gave some to her school and some to UNICEF (联合国儿童基金会).As a UNICEF volunteer,Anna wants to help poor kids.
⑿IN the UK a trip to Lazerquest is a popular way to celebrate a birthday.It's a game where you shoot your friends with toy guns.Kids hide in dark corners and hope to surprise them.
英语翻译①Zhang didn't really improve in the next games.Her coach
① 在接下来的比赛中,张怡宁的表现并没有改观.他的教练李隼很失望.他说如果张怡宁还这样打下去的话,那么她的失败只是时间问题.
② 李隼教练的话对张怡宁是个打击.她开始思考怎么才能发挥得更好.她觉得自己把胜利看的太重了.于是她自我激励说:不用去想比赛的结果如何,只去想怎么打好每一局.
③ 但(中国队的)局势并不乐观.张怡宁是进入决赛的唯一一位中国选手了,她是祖国冲击金牌的最后希望.张怡宁知道对她来讲,最重要的就是战胜压力.
④ 在《咖啡王子1号店》(韩国电视剧)中,Yoon扮演Go Eun Chan,Go的生活既甜蜜又痛苦.为了养家,只要是她能做的工作她都去做,但她从没有失去对生活的热情.
⑤ 有一天她在一家名字叫做“咖啡王子”的咖啡店找到了一份工作.店主叫Choi Han Kyul .他脾气不好,生活也没有目标.
⑥ Go留着短发穿着宽大松散的衣服,人们都误以为她是个男的,Choi也这么认为.渐渐的,Go和Choi彼此有了好感,但Choi还以为Go是个男孩,所以他不知所措.
⑦ Anna当上了2006年度美国青年杂志的封面女郎,还赢得了2006年南加州美国青年选美皇后的桂冠.她是这项盛会23年的历史上第一位获此殊荣的美籍华人.
⑧ Anna和她的母亲一起写了一本书叫做《Anna Cui,一位年轻选美皇后的回忆》.2008年1月,Anna在北京见到了她的读者们.
⑨ Anna出生在美国,她的父母都是中国人.这本书是用中文写的,它讲述了Anna成长的故事以及为了赢得这个奖项,Anna付出了多么大的努力.比如说,她学习了十年的钢琴和芭蕾舞.
⑩ 想赢得这个桂冠,女孩子们要做的事情很.她们要讲演,进行时装秀,即兴表演和啦啦队表演.在学校的表现也要优异,要会写感谢信,做志愿者工作,还要有良好的人品.每年都有15,000多个女孩子参加这个比赛.
⑾ Anna赢得了比赛的1,500美元奖金.她用这些钱做了什么呢?她把其中一些捐给了自己的母校,另一些捐给了联合国儿童基金会.作为联合国儿童基金会的志愿者,Anna想帮助那些穷苦的孩子.
⑿ 在英国,庆祝生日的一种流行方式就是去Lazerquest玩,这是一种你可以用玩具枪向你的朋友开火的游戏.孩子们藏在黑暗的角落里,等着去吓唬他们的伙伴.