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求高手写一篇英语作文 关于从乔丹我们学到了什么……今天加急啊

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/06 12:02:45
求高手写一篇英语作文 关于从乔丹我们学到了什么……今天加急啊
求高手写一篇英语作文 关于从乔丹我们学到了什么……今天加急啊
What we can learn from Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.He was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.Below are 7 success lessons we can learn from the legend - Michael Jordan:
1.“I can accept failure,everyone fails at something.But I can’t accept not trying.”
Failure is something that may need to be redefined within your mind.It’s not something to attach too much meaning to.But people do though.They may think that it’s the end of the world,that the sky will fall if they fail.
2.It rarely does.
If you look at successful people then you see that they have an abundance mentality.They know there are new chances and opportunities if they fail.And that there are lessons to be learned from failures.Those failures may be necessary to achieve success.Without them you don’t get feedback and wisdom that is essential for your future success.And by making mistakes for yourself you get experience.Reading about someone else’s mistake or knowledge isn’t the same thing as experiencing and acquiring it for yourself.
Failure is a learning experience.It can help you.But first you have to try.Without trying you aren’t going anywhere.You can read more about the power of failing in Why You Should Never Fear Failure.
3.Rely on your own expectations.
“If you accept the expectations of others,especially negative ones,then you never will change the outcome.”
“It’s heavy duty to try to do everything and please everybody ...My job was to go out there and play the game of basketball as best I can,… People may not agree with that ...I can’t live with what everyone’s impression of what I should or what I shouldn’t do.”
4.“You have to expect things of yourselves before you can do them.”
You can’t live your life through the eyes of others.Through the expectations of others.It will just pull you seven different ways at once or change depending on their mood and what happened last time you worked/played/tried.And then it will very difficult,perhaps impossible,to change the outcome.
You need to release yourself from the need for validation from others.And from their expectations.Instead,validate yourself.Instead,set expectations for yourself.See yourself doing something.Visualize it.Without you being able to see it you will have a very hard time achieving it.
5 Know what you want and where you are going.
“I’m not out there sweating for three hours every day just to find out what it feels like to sweat.”
Know why you are doing something.Set a clear direction.And remind yourself of it constantly to keep yourself from veering of that path.
6.When you are actually out there,be detached from outcomes.
“I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot ...when you think about the consequences you always think of a negative result.”
When it’s game-time,when you are out on the court,stay unattached to the outcome.Or you will get nervous and fumble.This is for when you are out there playing.In between you can think about your goals and possible outcomes.
But when you play/blog/work etc.stay unattached to the outcome.Just focus on what’s in front of you.Things will become easier.You’ll create less inner anxiety and pressure for yourself.And you will perform better because you are focusing on what’s right in front of you and not weighing yourself down with a lot of self-created negativity.
7.Obstacles will always be there.Don’t be discouraged.
“If you’re trying to achieve,there will be roadblocks.I’ve had them; everybody has had them.But obstacles don’t have to stop you.If you run into a wall,don’t turn around and give up.Figure out how to climb it,go through it,or work around it.”