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英语翻译What makes some college students successful?Sometimes,it

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/24 18:10:49
What makes some college students successful?Sometimes,it’s a question of intelligence or insight.And sometimes,it’s sheer good luck.But a lot of the time,it’s a question of good habits:things you do on a regular basis that set you aside from others.
Plan ahead.Not only do they know when the tests and papers fall in the semester,but they have a pretty good sense of what work needs to be done each week.Nice and balanced:no panic attacks or all-nighters before the tests or paper deadlines.
Manage their feelings.It’s difficult to excel in a course if you’re feeling inadequate or doomed to fail.Students who know how to focus on their own positive achievements –rather than on what they got on the quiz that counts about 2 percent of the course grade –have a leg up on the rest of students.
Engage the professors.No,not in preparation for marriage but by demonstrating a genuine interest in learn the material that the professor has devoted his or her life to mastering.Go to an office hour talk to the professor before or after class,or even send a short e-mail asking some questions.People like someone who shares their interests.
Look out for No.1.While some students are willing to blow off a week of school to satisfy the needs of others—for example,a demanding boss during busy season or an Uncle Dick who schedules his third wedding two days before finals—successful students know that college is their job and make doing well their highest priority.Especially during the college busy season,the last month of the semester when those big-ticket items like the term paper and the final exam roll around and two thirds of the grade is won or lost.
Visualize success.It always helps you achieve a goal if you devote some time to visualizing yourself achieving it.Not just vaguely daydreaming but seeing yourself a success and experiencing the feelings that go with success.This will give you the motivation to go out and do what you have to do to make it happen.
Aim high (or at least to a decent level).In college,simple regurgitation of the basics doesn’t cut it.Top students know that the minimum gets a B minus,at best.And that,in many courses,a B minus puts you toward the bottom of the heap.
英语翻译What makes some college students successful?Sometimes,it