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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/04 00:11:29
Establish a clearly defined objective. The market changes rapidly, if you can't come up with a long-term plan you would be forced to get out sooner or later. Therefore, in order for small business to expand its capacity, an entrepreneur must precisely define his business goals, thoroughly analyze his position in the industry and how he can guarantee that his operation will sustain in the future. This is not only an assurance for winning against the competition, but a stabilizing factor for his employees.
Emphasize on building a marketing team. Marketing department in a small business is quite often understaffed. The owner himself usually attacks the market right from the beginning, and for quite awhile he'll manage to get customers and orders solely based on his own personal charm and the network he's built up. As competition heats up, business owners will be less available to battle in the line of fire himself, that can't even fully support further development of the business. Unfortunately many small business failed to recognize the importance of marketing, some without even a marketing department. Business can't grow if building a marketing team is neglected.
Stress on human resources management. Human resource has been a very hot topic for corporate management in recent years. At the present time some small business have yet to be keen on training their manpower, even ignore the importance of recruiting. This is quite a mistake, because employee is a very important resource for the business, especially in the rapid developing society of the 21st century. Talented people are the foundation for sustainable growth in any business, thus we must stress on effective management of human resources.
英语翻译要有明确的发展目标.市场变化是迅速的,如果不能够长远打算,迟早会被挤出市场.因此小企业要想获得规模上的拓展,企业 如果你是某零售企业的经理,你如何确定企业的目标市场? 英语翻译这是个信息化飞速发展的时代,信息技术运用越发广泛,企业之间的竞争也越发激烈,因此很多企业为了在市场中占据一席之地 企业选择目标市场的标准依据有那些? 企业可选择的目标市场策略有哪些 英语翻译一个没有世界名牌的国家,不能称之发达国家,一个缺少世界名牌的市场不是一个完善的市场.如果一个企业创出品牌,其代表 英语翻译在现有市场的基础上,我会开拓更多的市场,扩大公司的规模,尤其是发展中国家的市场,因为发展中国家的发展速度很快,经 谈谈市场细分、目标市场和市场定位的关系 英语翻译特许经营作为一种新兴而独特的经营方式,具有极大的市场渗透力,是一种较传统经营更为安全、迅速的市场拓展策略和21世 英语翻译随着中国社会和经济的发展,中国奢侈品市场吸引着全球奢侈品企业的眼光,奢侈品企业都希望在中国市场上占有一席之地.国 英语翻译“靠质量树信誉,靠信誉拓市场,靠市场增效益,靠效益求发展,是企业生存和发展的生命链.对于建筑施工企业来说,把质量 英语翻译作为一家良好运营的企业,目标市场的确定恰当与否,是关系到企业目标任务是否能完成、企业市场营销战略制定与实现的首要