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1.擅长英语 16.乘2路车

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/05 20:39:29
1.擅长英语 16.乘2路车
2.体育很好 17.和黄色的那个一样重
3.游得比我快 18.have a lot of fun
4.一些孩子 19.flowers show
5.早起一些 20.like Maths better
6.玩球类运动 21.well done
7.独生子 22.be the goalkeeper
8.比他小一岁 23.meet him one day
9.一只强壮些的老虎 24.all the other boys
10.周一早上 25.the nurse with a pair of glasses
11.看起来很像 26.have a chat with Mrs.White
12.问路 27.a good basketball player
13.去公园的路 28.a bus every ten minutes
14.在第三个交叉口 29.run out of the shop
15.11路车 30.get our kites back
1.我跳得和迈克一样远.I _______ as ________ as Mike.
2.杨玲每天睡得比我晚.Yang Ling _______ to bed _______ than me every day.
_______ Tom _______ _______ than you?No,he _____.He ____ as fast as me.4 .多做练习,你会更强壮.Do more exercise,you’ll _______ _______ soon.
5.女孩比男孩唱得好吗?是的.____ the girls sing ______ than the boys?Yes,they ___.
Sometimes girls ______ _______ in English than boys,but boys______ usually ______ at ________ football than girls.
_____ _____ is the bus stop ______ here It’s about two kilometers _____.
Go _______ this______,and then ______ left ______the _______crossing.
1.擅长英语 16.乘2路车
1.擅长英语 be good at English 16.乘2路车 by the bus No.2
2.体育很好 do well in PE 17.和黄色的那个一样重 as strong as the yellow one
3.游得比我快 swim faster than me 18.have a lot of fun 玩得高兴/收获了许多快乐
4.一些孩子 some children 19.flowers show 花朵展览...
5.早起一些 get up earlier 20.like Maths better 更喜欢数学
6.玩球类运动 play ballgames 21.well done 做得好/非常好
7.独生子 the only child 22.be the goalkeeper 成为守门员
8.比他小一岁 one year younger than he 23.meet him one day 有一天能认识他
9.一只强壮些的老虎 a stronger tiger 24.all the other boys 其他的所有男孩
10.周一早上 on Monday morning 25.the nurse with a pair of glasses 戴着一副眼镜的护士
11.看起来很像 look the same 26.have a chat with Mrs.White 和怀特太太进行了一次谈话
12.问路 ask the way 27.a good basketball player 一名出色的篮球运动员
13.去公园的路 the way to the park28.a bus every ten minutes 每十分钟一辆车
14.在第三个交叉口 at the third crossing 29.run out of the shop 跑出商店
15.11路车 the bus No.11 30.get our kites back 把我们的风筝带回来
1.我跳得和迈克一样远.I jump as far as Mike.
2.杨玲每天睡得比我晚.Yang Ling goes to bed later than me every day.
Does Tom run faster than you?No,he doesn't.He runs as fast as me.4 .多做练习,你会更强壮.Do more exercise,you'll get stronger soon.
5.女孩比男孩唱得好吗?是的.Do the girls sing better than the boys?Yes,they do.
Sometimes girls do better in English than boys,but boys are usually better at playing football than girls.
How far is the bus stop from here It’s about two kilometers away.
Go along this street,and then turn left at the first crossing.