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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 10:36:56
Key words:
标准成本法 财务人员
In recent years,as the reform progresses,gradually increasing pressure on corporate performance and it can achieve the key objectives of asset management depends more on corporate cost control capabilities,while the standard cost method because of its wide adaptability and scientific nature has been in business in the dominant cost control has become an important business management management system.
This article discusses three aspects of the standard cost method's application in Shanghai,Xiang-existing problems and countermeasures.The first part describes the meaning of the standard cost method,the application principle and its role in enterprise management; the second part of the standard cost method described in the application Xianglong Company status and issues; third part of the company's comprehensive set of Xianglong standard cost method should take countermeasures.Pointed out that the standard cost method in Xianglong company's application in the present situation and problems and to improve the standard cost method in response to some of the views I put forward.In particular should use the standard cost method to finance staff located in the organizers,to work a long position on lowering the cost of the main responsible for the site in order to reduce costs.Implementation of management accounting in the standard cost method for flexible use.
英语翻译近年来,随着体制改革的不断推进,企业业绩压力逐年增大,能否实现资产经营目标的关键更多地取决于企业的成本控制能力, 英语翻译摘要:随着经济时代的发展,企业预算在企业发展过程中起着越来越重要的作用.用过预算可以帮助企业实现经营目标,更好地 英语翻译浅析标准成本法与作业成本法相结合的成本管理[摘要]成本的控制与管理是衡量一个企业经营业绩的重要指标,经济环境经营 企业经营的根本目标是什么 求教 纵观世界各国的企业发展史,你就会发现,一个企业能否获得成功,往往不取决于它的规模和历史,而取决于它的经营 英语翻译知识经过社会化、外化、综合化和内化四个阶段最终形成企业核心能力,并不断呈螺旋式向上发展,企业的经营过程实际上也是 英语翻译摘 要资金是企业生存和发展的要素,是企业经营活动的动力.企业的发展主要取决于能否获得稳定的资金来源,所以融资成为 英语翻译摘要货币资金是企业资产的重要组成部分,是企业流动性最强、控制风险最高的资产,也是唯一能够转换为其他任何类型资产的 英语翻译摘 要货币资金是企业资产的重要组成部分,是企业流动性最强、控制风险最高的资产,也是唯一能够转换为其他任何类型资产 英语翻译建筑项目施工过程中的成本研究摘要一个企业实现可持续发展的关键就是实现利润的最大化,降低成本是实现利润最有效、最根 英语翻译随着我国经济的持续发展,知识创新步伐的不断加快,企业资产中无形资产占的比重越来越大,与知识、技术产品更新联系比较 英语翻译企业适度负债经营问题探讨问题 摘要 在激烈的市场竞争中,负债经营对企业的所有者来说,能有效地降低企业的资金成本,