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Part 4: Path Towards Independence...
..In the skies a bird can be seen
Frightfully spreading its wings to fly
Soaring through the heavens to seek freedom...
~ Amani, Wong Ka Kui, 1991.
At this point Beyond had started doing things that were not even remotely related to music, such as movies and T.V. shows. And even when they were doing stuff related to music, it wasn't necessarliy for themsleves. They were writing music for other singers in Cineoply. But soon enough they produced their next album, "True Testimony". This album had music that they had written for other people, but preformed by themselves (sort of proof that they didn't need other people to sing their music) This was a true rock album, and what the older Beyond fans were waiting for. This CD also made it to Platinum status, how much of that was due to the "bandwagoners" and how much was due to real enjoyment of their music, is hard to say.
Slowly, they gained control of their expressions of music, especially in their next album, "Fate Party", in this album, a significant number of songs were message-based. One that stands out the most is the song, "Glory Days" (a song Ka Kui had written for Civil Rights Activist Nelson Mandela, current South African President, who was still in jail at that time) This song deals with apartheid, and racism, and how it's hurting the world and the people that are caught in it. With this song, Beyond established themselves as one of, if not the best lyrics/song-writers in Hong Kong. Ka Kui won Best Lyricist of the Year for that song as well as Song of the Year. This album showed that they really subscribed to using music as a tool of sending messages, and the public responded greatfully, since this album surpassed Platinum status easily.
Soon after in 1991, Beyond went to Nairobi, Kenya, in Africa to seek new music inspiration. They helped many people there and also acted to many as their "ambassador" to Hong Kong, letting people know the problems in Africa. Also while in Africa they set up the "Beyond's Third World Foundation" to donate money to the needy in Africa. Their visit to Africa inspired them to write the song "Amani" which means Peace in Swahili.
In their next release, "Deliberate", A few songs were more "commercial" based, but did not take away from the main messages in the songs. This album had many "movie songs" in it. I especially like the song, "Hesitate No More" (but joy yow yee). This release reached double platinum, and would be the last release under Cineopoly and Kinn's management.
Their "Farewell, Kinn's" Concert tour, was staged in Hong Kong's Hung Hom Stadium, in September of 1991 (and onwards to Malaysia and Singapore in the following months). They wanted out of Cineoply and chose to ensure their musical freedom, so during the final months of the tour, they completed negotiations on a contract with Amuse and Fun House Records. They were moving their home from Hong Kong, to fight for a market in Japan...
Through their signing with Amuse and Fun House, Beyond decided to get into the Japanese music industry, which they hoped would act as a stepping stone into the international music scene. Their first Japanese album, "This is Love" (japanese), went platinium in Japan and they had gained recognition throughout Japan. Slowly, Beyond attained their own style in their music which was different and very unique from others. Though their primary objective was for expansion into the Japanese market, they never left their main objective out of sight, which was making quality music.
It was in Japan that Beyond finally forged a music that people could call "Chinese Rock", through their smash hit album in 1992, "Continue the Revolution" (cantonese). In this album Beyond had invited Kitaro (a famous Japanese new age musician) to perform with them. Beyond's songs were now blended with New Age music which brings them out against other bands. The Song "The Great Wall" caused a lot of controversy in China. The song labeled The Great Wall of China as a permanent scar inflicted on the Chinese by the countless number dictators in the Chinese history. In its classic chorus, Beyond shouts for the downfall of the present Chinese leaders. This Song aroused so much anti-communist sentiments that China had put a ban to Beyond. (but that didn't stop them from believing what they felt was right) Because of the controversey Beyond became even more popular and was even recognized internationally as a great band from Asia.
At the end of the same year, they released a Mandarin CD under the label, Rock Records. This would prove to be their opening for Beyond in the future: a semi-independent label with the potential to get them back to Hong Kong.
At the beginning of 1993, things had finally calmed down for them, after flying back and forth from Japan and Hong Kong to promote their CD's, shooting videos, and constantly being invited to play in concerts. They were now ready to work on their next album, later to be released as "Rock N' Roll".
Part 6: The Accident
How many times, facing cold stares and mockery
Still have never abandoned my ideals
A moment of uncertainty, feels like something lost
Unknowingly diluted, is the love in my heart (Who understands me?)
Forgive me for loving freedom all my life
Also fear that I would one day fall...oh no!
Forsaking one's ideals, anyone can do
Not afraid that one day it'll just be you and I
~ "A Dream Far Away (Clear Skies Vast Oceans)", Beyond, Wong Ka Kui, 1993.
Beyond, under Amuse and Warner, had become relatively more free in their music writing than they had under Cineopoly. In fact things seemed ideal: they had a major label backing them, the freedom to publish (almost) what they wanted to, and an audience larger than they had every imagined. They were 'on the top of the world', and happily, they produced their second (cantonese) album under Amuse/Warner titled,"Rock N' Roll". As the title suggests it's a rock album. The style of music in this release was defineately much more raw than their recent albums, but with a new Beyond Sound. And the messages were defineately still there. An excellent example would be the song, "ba ba ma ma" (papa mama), where the U.K. is symbolized as the father, and China the mother, and Hong Kong the child that is left to its own devices due to the incessant squabbing between the two. This album could be loved by all Beyond fans, people who are looking for messages, and people that simply love rock music. (my personal favorite album).
However, this fairy-tale story soon came to a sad and tragic halt. Around the time of the release of their album, "Rock N' Roll", Beyond was participating in a Japanese game show called, "Uchan Nanchan No Yarunara Yaraneba!", in Japan's Fuji Television Studios. Sometime during the "mock-battle", they heard someone say, "Someone fell off the stage!." By this time Ka Keung had already lost sight of his brother, Sai Wing and Paul were still being pushed to the ground. Wong Ka Kui and the host of the show had fallen off the stage that was about 8 feet high. They were both rushed to the hospital immediately. When the ambulence came, Ka Kui was still concious, and Ka Keung, embracing his brother, kept saying to him, "You're going to be O.K.". The host was diagnosed with non-life threatening wounds in the chest, but Ka Kui was not as lucky. He fell unconsious from his fall, which resulted from his head impacting onto the ground. He fell into a coma shortly after diagnosis. For many long days, there was hope for Ka Kui, that he could be saved, and his wounds would heal. But unfortuneately hope was not reality. And finally, after 6 days, of critical, but semi-stable condition in the hospital, Ka Kui's condition turned to the worse. On the 30th of June, 1993, at 4 p.m. local time, Wong Ka Kui left us forever...
"I would much rather have the accident happen to me." -- Ka Keung, days after the accident, before breaking down into tears. (The interview with Beyond only lasted about 3 minutes before everyone broke down into tears.)
Ka Kui was buried in Hong Kong together with his favorite guitar and a tape of his fans that was recorded earlier. Thousands of fans visited his grave and everybody believed that although he had died his love and devotion for music will never die. In his final album, "Rock N' Roll", he left us with two of his greatest songs to remember him by "Clear Skies Vast Oceans" and, "Lover".
Ka Kui's death had serious implications on the band. For a time, many wondered if the band would continue or if they would break up, since Ka Kui was the main songwriter of the band, and in turn was the heart, soul, and voice of the band. Losing him, was like having no pulse, thoughts, or speech. The band negotiated a settlement with the Fuji Television Studio, and then expired their contract with Warner Management. And finally, they went back home; home to where it all started...
Part 7: A New Beginning
"I hope to use this song
To wash out the bitterness in my heart
To call out my rememberance of you
Holding back tears, I wish you happiness."
~ "Wishing You Happiness", Beyond, Ka Keung, 1994.
For a long time, Beyond mourned the passing of Ka Kui in silence. They were nowhere to be found. they chose not to respond to most interviews. They just kept to themselves, and let time do its thing.
Then, late in the year, the band came out and performed at a concert specifically for aspiring and successful orginal artists. They accepted an interview from one of the major magazines. And yes, it was confirmed that they would be putting out a new release as a band in the new year. The publisher would be Rock Records, the company they had dealt with earlier in Taiwan.
So, as expected, Beyond released their first new album with just the three members, in 1994, titled, "2nd Floor, Rear Block". (named after their band room in Hong Kong) In this album the style that they had forged originally was not as heavily used; rather, this album was more of theraputic album for the band and it's fans, to release all those sad feelings they had inside of them. Most of the song's were written in memory Ka Kui (namely "Wishing You Hapiness" a song Ka Keung had written in memory of his brother, and "Far Away Paradise" & "We Don't Want to Make it Without You" Paul's dedications to Ka Kui), but an important notice is the song "There is Always Love", which is a song in gratitude to all their fans who stuck by Beyond through think and thin. The success of this album was a surprise by many, but it rebuked the thoughts of the 'non-believers' that believed Beyond would never be good without Ka Kui.
Soon afterwards, their contract with Amuse was coming to an end. Beyond chose not to renew it; instead, they decided to go independent. With this independence, the would be able to write whatever they wanted to, with no cares about having to bow down to any market. And their label of choice: Rock Records.
As time went by, their wounds slowly healed, Beyond put together another release in their "one-release a year" program. They had decided upon this because in the past, things were just too hectic for them; trying to make music while rushed for a dead line, and especially because they felt life was worth living. Through this, they didn't have to worry about doing silly small-talk promotions on TVB, and they didn't have ot rush their song writing (resulting in better songs). The release they put out in mid-1995, was titled, "Sound", an album almost as rock as their first album. There was a lot of controversey over the music in this album. Some thought it was a "show-off" album, but I thought it was the true Beyond.
They followed up their album with an EP titled, "Live (EP)" in March of 1996. (their song "Miss You" was voted one of Hong Kongs top 10 in 1996) 5 new tracks to begin their concert in Hong Kong. This started a concert tour for Beyond to Malaysia, Singapore and some other countries. The Beyond Live & Basic concert was a success in Hong Kong. The media gave praises for Beyond's performance and regarded their concert performance as "stunning" and "of international standards". They had regarded Beyond as the Hong Kong music industry's spokeperson.
In a sense, the passing of Ka Kui was a new beginning for the band. They were finally able to disassociate with any managing companies that cared only about money. They had the freedom to write the songs they wanted to, sign the labels they wanted to, and most importantly, make the facilities in their band room to become a full-force recording studio for aspiring bands as well as for themselves. Yet, the hard work of Ka Kui is not to be put aside, and will never be forgotten. As Ka Keung mention in their concert in Hung Hom Stadium in May 1996, "Beyond will always be a 4-person band".
Part 5: And The Revolution Begins...
Everday I yearn to hold you forever,
To forget the world's saddness and pain.
No matter how far apart we are, I still hear you call
and forever I shall wait for you...
~ Looking A Far, Wong Ka Kui, 1992.