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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/28 14:52:45
提示说”the image resolution of your selected photo does not match the accepted photo guidelines"(p.s.我的照片是480(宽)*640(高)的),为什么?
再问: 不会太暗吧,是在照相馆里照的啊。
再答: 我就在教室里用iphone照的,直接上传没问题 你现在照个传下试试呗,只要这个照片能看出来和你护照上是一个人就成
再问: 穷屌丝啊,没iphone,试试看其他的手机吧………………
再答: 我又上了下SAT Choosing an Acceptable Photo Close Window 1 Your appearance in the photo MUST match how you will look on the day of the test or you will not be admitted to the test center. For example, if you upload a photo of someone else or a photo of an animal, you will NOT be admitted. 是本人照片 2 Your passport-type or wallet-sized photo (sized from 2 x 2 up to 2.5 x 3 inches) must be at least 640 x 480 pixels. 最少640×480 3 Your photo should be a shot of your head and shoulders. 有头和肩膀 4 Your photo must: o Be properly focused 聚焦 o Not have discernible pixels or be grainy 无可辨别的颗粒(大概就是没有其他污迹拉)o Be correctly exposed (brightness and contrast) 明亮 o Be taken in full-face view, directly facing the camera 整个脸o Be clear enough so there is no doubt about your identity 清晰o Not be too dark or too light, with no shadows or glare on your face不能太暗,不能太亮,脸上无阴影和闪光 你自己看哪个要求没达到吧。。
再问: 这个我都看过了啊,想问一下”the image resolution of your selected photo does not match the accepted photo guidelines"中的“resolution”是不是分辨率,还是说其他错误也会这么报错?
再答: 相片来说的话,只有分辨率这个解释吧。。 可是照你说的 照相馆照的,分辨率还能不够啊(那什么相机啊= =!)