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请英语高人帮翻译下:3M千年辊(Mill Roll):  一种独特的、性能远远优于传统的橡胶辊及钢辊的创新不织布

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/27 17:41:01
请英语高人帮翻译下:3M千年辊(Mill Roll):  一种独特的、性能远远优于传统的橡胶辊及钢辊的创新不织布
请英语高人帮翻译下:3M千年辊(Mill Roll):  一种独特的、性能远远优于传统的橡胶辊及钢辊的创新不织布
3M Millennium roller (Mill Roll):a unique,performance far superior to conventional rubber roller and the innovation of steel roll nonwovens
再问: 轻研轮:   是针对去除毛刺及抛光一次完成而特别设计的,不会产生二次毛刺,并且能在被加工的金属表面产生细致的装饰线纹,提高工件表面的光洁度。 去毛刺轮:   适用于要求精密且细致的工件加工,能一次完成清洁,去毛刺,抛光纹处理的工作。适用于各种金属,复合材料和塑料工件的加工,对于要求和条件都很苛刻的金属材料如不锈钢,钛合金和镍铝合金尤其能发挥其绝佳的加工效果。
再答: Light research round:   Is special designed for removing burrs and polishing all at once, without secondary burrs, and can be machined metal surface and meticulous decoration pattern, improve surface finish. Deburring wheels:   For applications that require precise and careful machining, a complete cleaning, deburring, polishing grain handling works. Suitable for all kinds of metal, composite and plastic workpiece machining, for the requirements and conditions are very harsh metallic materials such as stainless steel, titanium alloy and NI-Al alloy in particular to its excellent processing results.
再问: 不织布砂带:   是由美国3M公司发明的一种创新产品,主要应用于金属,木材和塑料等多种材料表面的装饰纹处理,抛光,去毛刺和清洁等。 超级不织布轮:   是一种应用范围广泛,经济实用的尼龙类产品,由3M公司制造的由高韧性纤维,研磨矿砂与特殊胶粘剂组合而成。具有耐磨,高效,处理效果均匀等特点。
再答: Non-woven abrasive belt:   Is the United States 3M invented an innovative product, mainly used in metal, and surface decoration of plastics and other materials to grain of wood processing, polishing, deburring and cleaning. Super non-woven round:   Is a wide range of applications, economical and practical nylon products, manufactured by 3M from high tenacity fibers, abrasive minerals combined with a special adhesive. With wear-resistant, efficient, uniform treatment effects and so on. 哥····先给钱嘛,我这也挺辛苦的。