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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/16 23:12:27
Italian film director Giuseppe Duonatuolei shot to fame,but also the most European of contemporary Chinese art film audiences are familiar with and moving one.Film has a warm and sweet and sour,so that the endless charm of the film be released.Film is the filmmakers who love film,film viewers and elaborate a praise on the film,won the Cannes Film Festival Special Jury Award and the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film Award.
People living in the earthly,the cinema is perhaps an earthly paradise."Cinema Paradiso" characters appear in,whether it is a famous film director,projectionist or spectators,has emerged as a special state of life:the link with the film is far from super in daily life.The center of their activities is the cinema scene.In this connection,it seems that the theme of their lives is also a movie.Touching scene,the film has been 11 cut the lens of love,when people put it back together,this very notion,meditation,emotion,the subject of even more distant and powerful.
Recalled the formation of the film's basic structure.Cherish the memory of feelings they naturally dumped in the memories to become part of a dragging style.Cinema Paradiso rise and fall,very identifiable and full of emotion with the rise and decline of a culture that corresponds to.Flashback lens constant lens overlap with the present space-time mapping are small Toto grow into big-time director,when screening workers who have leave of this world,once full of theaters in the blink of an eye among the ashes.This very strong contrast to the way,so that the film won the spatial and temporal changes in space-time itself is a powerful charm unfolds.
A lot of childhood memories from the beginning,then a lot of young people,until the lot to leave the town,recalls the end of flash back to reality,a lot to fly back to the town.This backbone of narrative structure is the film needs to be explained that the recall has been like running water as part of the development,there is no time flashing back to reality.Video options are simple narrative structure of a natural purpose is very clear recollection of events,people often choose a quiet of the office,do not want to be interrupted,memory fragments of the deepest needs of slowly comb.Handled all aspects of the film a natural flow,such as the middle-aged lot of memories of lying in bed when the wind blew inside,the house sound of wind chimes jingle,when the lens a turn,flash back to childhood notwithstanding,he was sleeping in the church,hand - Village priests holding rattles used in,for example Eerfulai lot more hand on the face of childhood,and then expand when the lot have grown up.
The backbone of the narrative still gave birth to a few vivid branches,and trunk exist side by side.For example Eerfulai film more like a symbol of the development process,from the silent era,he began to put the film at the cinema,when he and lots along the happiest time,this is exactly what people most love movie time,when he fires the blind,lot replaced him,and continue to the people to create happy,interspersed during the movie to show us the film is also in technology,situation and content development (such as film development,such as kissing scene cuts to pornographic films,such as from black and white to color film,etc.),when the lot fall in love,television was born,began to quietly Cinema to launch an attack Aerfulai more upon his death,Cinema Paradiso has been blown up,and that seems to symbolize the end of an era,the film is no longer an important part of people's lives.
英语翻译本片是意大利导演朱塞佩·多纳托雷的成名作,也是欧洲当代艺术电影中最为中国观众熟悉和感动的一部.影片有一种温暖人心 英语翻译在拍摄电影的过程中,是导演对剧本进行自我诠释的一个过程,而欣赏一部电影,观众不仅欣赏的是曼妙的光斑影像和跌宕的故 英语翻译《霸王别姬》是陈凯歌导演的代表作之一,是一部对中国乃至世界电影史有着深远影响的影片.陈凯歌导演娴熟的运用丰富多彩 英语翻译盗梦空间》是大导演克里斯托弗·诺兰继《蝙蝠侠前传2:黑暗骑士》后再次给我们带来的惊喜,本片将带观众游走于梦境与现 英语翻译我最喜欢的电影是功夫梦,这是一部激动人心的动作片.它的导演是哈罗德·兹瓦特 主演是成龙和贾登史密斯.这部电影很精 英语翻译1、成龙出生于香港,是华人社会具有影响力的著名歌手,演员和导演,是中国的的影坛巨星,也是国际电影功夫巨星,在大陆 翻译成英文“〈唐山大地震〉是一部非常精彩的电影,感动了好多观众” 有一部关于人类起源的电影,影片开始是讲人类进化,有谁知道名字! 意大利是欧洲的“中国”吗?有什么依据呢? 英语翻译与西方当代艺术发展相比,中国的当代艺术在发展途中存在很多的不足.中国艺术如何真正走向世界,已经不只是一个重要的理 抗日战争时期,在中国战场上有一部描写一匹白马的影片,这部电影叫什么名字 英语翻译有两个导演的电影我不能分出高下.