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求英语大神帮我翻译一下我的部分lecture 展现一下你真正的实力 我会爱你的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/04/29 10:42:44
求英语大神帮我翻译一下我的部分lecture 展现一下你真正的实力 我会爱你的
日本是一个岛国,不是很大,资源也不是很丰富,还有很不幸的是,他正处在两大板块中间(which is called断裂带)所以经常发生地震。不幸中的万幸,日本人非常聪明,他们对地震的预防措施做的都非常的好,房子也建的非常的牢固。富士山是日本最有名火山,也可以说是日本的象征,它自从1707年以来还未发生过喷发,每年都会有成千上万的人去那里游玩。日本独特的地理条件和悠久的历史,孕育了别具一格的日本文化。现代日本文化虽然很受欧美的影响,但是传统的文化仍然受到保护,不时看见穿着和服的人在街上逛街。因为儒学对社会的影响很深,礼仪文化发达,忠于集团的观念浓烈是日本文化的一个特点。樱花、和服、俳句与武士、清酒、神道教构成了传统日本的两个方面——菊与刀。在日本有著名的“三道”,即日本民间的茶道、花道及书道。日本的语言也非常有趣,我可以教你们几句,如果遇见日本人怎样用日语来介绍自己。
求英语大神帮我翻译一下我的部分lecture 展现一下你真正的实力 我会爱你的
日本是一个岛国,不是很大,资源也不是很丰富,还有很不幸的是,他正处在两大板块中间(which is called断裂带)所以经常发生地震。不幸中的万幸,日本人非常聪明,他们对地震的预防措施做的都非常的好,房子也建的非常的牢固。富士山是日本最有名火山,也可以说是日本的象征,它自从1707年以来还未发生过喷发,每年都会有成千上万的人去那里游玩。日本独特的地理条件和悠久的历史,孕育了别具一格的日本文化。现代日本文化虽然很受欧美的影响,但是传统的文化仍然受到保护,不时看见穿着和服的人在街上逛街。因为儒学对社会的影响很深,礼仪文化发达,忠于集团的观念浓烈是日本文化的一个特点。樱花、和服、俳句与武士、清酒、神道教构成了传统日本的两个方面——菊与刀。在日本有著名的“三道”,即日本民间的茶道、花道及书道。日本的语言也非常有趣,我可以教你们几句,如果遇见日本人怎样用日语来介绍自己。
Japan is an island country, is not great, the resources are not very rich, but also very unfortunate, he is in the middle of the two is which (called), so the earthquake. The unfortunate lucky, the Japanese are very clever, they on earthquake prevention measures are very good, the houses are built very firmly. Mount Fuji is Japan's most famous volcano, it can be said to be a symbol of Japan, it has not occurred since 1707 eruption, every year there are thousands of people to go there to play. Japan's unique geography and history, gave birth to have a style of one's own Japanese culture. Modern Japanese culture is very popular in Europe and the United States, but the traditional culture is still protected, from time to time to see people wearing and services in the street shopping. Because the influence of Confucianism to the society is very deep, the etiquette culture is developed, the loyalty to the group's idea is strong is a characteristic of Japanese culture. Sakura, kimono, haiku warrior, wine, traditional Japanese Shinto constitute two aspects -- the chrysanthemum and the sword. In Japan there are the famous "three", namely, the sado ikebana and Japanese folk calligraphy. Japanese language is also very interesting, I can teach you a few words, if you meet the Japanese how to introduce themselves in japanese.