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英语翻译Less a bid to measure up against other movies at the box

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/05 04:35:17
Less a bid to measure up against other movies at the box office,Star Trek may
actually be more in competition with itself,and its many incarnations preceding
this latest voyage of the USS Enterprise into theaters everywhere.But what does
distinguish Star Trek from the cookie cutter crop of futuristic fantasies,and
what led to its legendary status,is its humor and the personality of its
characters,who can knock off the self-serious posturing from time to time,to
laugh at themselves and each other.Focusing on an intricate web of enduring
family feuds,Star Trek traces James Tiberius Kirk (Chris Pine) back to his
birth,during which his dad met his demise at the hands of Romulan leader
Captain Nero (Eric Bana).And Nero has long harbored his own festering grudge
against the Enterprise,after the death of his wife.The occasional surprises
materialize when all the noisy sci-fi machinery takes a break and allows the
characters some quiet time to breathe through,especially comic relief provided
by Anton Yelchin as the Russian accented know-it-all teen pilot Chekov,and
Tyler Perry doing an admiral cameo in judicial punitive mode,as he cuts the
cocky Kirk down to size."Star Trek" was fashioned with obvious affection for
the source material,but still offers something new
英语翻译Less a bid to measure up against other movies at the box
相比于尝试和其他电影去较量票房,《星际迷航》更多地是和自己竞争,和在企业号星际战舰最近这次航行的故事走进各个电影院之前的、其他的《星际迷航》故事竞争.而实实在在把《星际迷航》和其他那些烂俗的未来科幻片划清界限的,是它的幽默,以及角色们的个人魅力.这些角色时常会一改一般正经的模样,来嘲笑一下他们自己或同伴.这部电影集中讲述了旷日持久的家庭宿怨的复杂关系网,一直追溯到Kirk出生时他爸爸被Romulan首领Nero舰长杀死那会儿.Nero在他的妻子死后又一直对企业号心怀深仇大怨.当那些闹哄哄的科幻特效暂时消停,有一点安静的时间让角色们富有生气的时候,惊喜就产生了.尤其是Anton Yelchin扮演年轻飞行员,带着俄国口音,一副什么都知道的样子,还有Tyler Perry饰演的那个了不起的配角,一副义正言辞宣判刑罚的模样,把傲慢的Kirk搞得灰头土脸;这些都给我们带来了轻松的幽默.很明显《星际迷航》对以往素材很眷恋,但仍然有很多新东西.