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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/04 01:11:46
碟形场馆造型像赛车手头盔 \x0b “你看它像不像《独立日》里外星人驾驶的宇宙飞船。”这形似飞碟的建筑物,正是2008奥运会的老山自行车馆。在老山蜿蜒的山路上,你就能对其雏形略窥一二。自行车馆根据用地地形特点,在设计时采用圆形主体与低平的裙房相结合的平面布局。碟形建筑主体高33米,与西面的五环路之间有开阔的休息广场,便于赛时各种流线的组织,赛馆周围布置人流集散广场和休息绿化景园,并种植花草树木,安放座椅,供游人观看和参与康体活动。它最大限度利用休息广场和自行车馆的屋顶平台,把奥运赛时的室外广场及疏散平台变为对公众开放的公园。巨大的碟形场馆主体像赛车手的头盔,其贯穿南北的裙房平台,给人以气势恢弘之感,充分表现了自行车  
According to the overall planning of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.Wukesong Sports Stadium and the Wukesong Cultural Square in the center of Beijing to the western communities is not only important Olympic sports competitions organized,Humanistic Olympics is an important cultural activity area.Western communities built stadiums in Beijing,the Beijing Shooting Range and Laoshan Cycling Velodrome is the first cornerstone projectexpected to be completed in the first half of 2006.Add :Modeling complex dishes like riders helmets "You see it as driving like" Independence Day "-- an alien spacecraft."This is the flying saucer-shaped building,Laoshan Cycling Velodrome is the 2008 Olympics.In mountainous terrain on the mountain road,you can see something of their embryonic January 2.According to Bicycle Museum site topographical features,and lower in the design and the use of circular skirt combination of the main layout.Main dishes construction is 33 meters high,between Fifth Ring Road and west of the rest have a broad plaza,all flow lines to facilitate the tournament,tournament Museum Square and the surrounding layout flow distribution rest Green Landscapes.and the planting of trees and placement chairs for visitors to watch and participate in recreational activities.It is possible to use bicycles Museum Square and the rest roof platform.Olympic tournament into a platform for the outdoor plaza and evacuated the park open to the public.Main dishes huge venues like the riders helmets,and its north and south through the podium platform,and gives a sense of great momentum.exercise fully demonstrated the speed bicycle