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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/29 22:01:06
I most like to eat mango.It has a pair of attractive appearance:yellow skin,fat crescent shape.As long as you peel it off the golden yellow and smooth skin,you will see a yellow flesh.Gently bite,unique smoothing pulp smell immediately filled the entire mouth,so that you have a kind of want to swallow the desire.Unlike other fruits like mango tangy scent,but put it to the nose carefully smell,can smell the faint fragrance.Once,I put the skin as the flesh into his mouth,I suddenly feel sour and astringent,and I tried to drink a slobber,it better,I was in a hurry to eat something else,just put the food to the mouth,feel tongue like a layer of skin off like uncomfortable,like a brush at the tongue friction,then I know the mango peel sour and astringent,there is a world of difference the original skin and meat,like to see the person as,can not only look,but also to see the human heart.
再问: 中文
再答: 我最喜欢吃芒果。它有一副诱人的外表:金黄色的皮、胖月牙型的形状。你只要剥开它那金黄而光滑的皮,就会看到黄色的果肉。轻轻咬一口,细滑的果肉特有的香味立刻充满整个口腔,使你有一种想一口吞下的愿望。芒果不像别的水果一样有扑鼻的香味,但把它搁到鼻子下面仔细闻一闻,就会闻到淡淡的清香。有一次,我把皮当作果肉送进嘴里,突然我觉得又酸又涩,于是我赶忙喝了口水,这才好些,我又急着去吃别的东西,刚把食物送到嘴里,就觉得舌头好像脱了一层皮似的难受,好像一把刷子在舌头上磨擦,这时我才知道芒果的皮又酸又涩,原来皮和肉有天壤之别,就像看人一样,不能光看外表,还要看人的内心。