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the life and work of professor Roy Millen的中心思想和文章大概,寫作背景!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/23 17:55:05
the life and work of professor Roy Millen的中心思想和文章大概,寫作背景!
the life and work of professor Roy Millen的中心思想和文章大概,寫作背景!
这是Robert Penn Warren (1905 - 1989) 写的散文,出自The Circus in the Attic (1948).Robert Penn Warren 於 1905 誕生於肯塔基州.他是唯一能夠在「小說」與「詩」兩大領域裡贏得普立茲獎的人.他最有名的著作是1946年寫的 "All the King's Men".這本書在1949年被拍成電影《當代奸雄》,並獲得當年奧斯卡最佳影片、最佳男主角和最佳男配角等三大巨獎.本文則是摘錄自他1968年寫的短篇小說集 "The Circus in the Attic ".Related article:Providing an edge in college admissions Professor Roy Millen had loved his wife devotedly,and now she was dead..He made his plans to go abroad,to England,to work in the libraries there,as he and his wife had planned.It was what she should have him do,he told himself.And the book would be a kind of monument to her.He would dedicate the book to her.As he walked slowly back from the campus to his house in the late afternoons or early evenings of spring,he would try to compose the dedication.saying the words aloud to himself as he looked up at the paling,peach-colored sky beyond the newly leafed branches.He had decided to sail in June,as soon as he could leave after commencement.