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能力很有限 希望给打个分再说一下一些明显的错误,9号就考试了

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/11 07:44:55
能力很有限 希望给打个分再说一下一些明显的错误,9号就考试了
同不同意 一个团队有不同的观点就不会成功
In present-day society,team work plays an in increasingly significant role in achievement.However,we have to face the problem of variety of ideas in our team.Some people ,as the result,oppose that the advantages of team work prevail over its disadvantages.Theoretically,it may be true,but in reality I think different views can be successful as a team.
The primary factory we need to take into consideration is that we can make more definite communication with other in this team and to address some divided ideas .this is because if we hold our idea and think others are weakness,many trouble will ensue .So ,we can fluently change our thought and ask some suggestion with our colleague ,and make one idea that the best .Moreover,every one has their good for things in different fields ,so we would be well-advised to learn some new thing inject into our thought and combine one useful idea .History is filled with example of Abraham Lincoln ,he is a celebrity and well-know in America ,when he in a team ,which army for north of American.He organized army with hundreds and thousands of people ,however,he have not strong hold his ideas in some advised circumstance.
Furthermore,from a success point.it is not essential ingredient part of our companies .on the contrary,the produce is more important .its difficult to say what is success achieve,there have not evidence standard for our things .
I would acknowledge that if we do not more communicate ,there are a lot of conflict with other people .however,when we hold individual’s ideas ,is not necessary to give some consideration to team spirit that is a foundation in their companies or schools .
Having all the arguments above.In my opinion,both from team spirit and achievement perspectives,different view also can achieve success with more understanding and communication in a team,
能力很有限 希望给打个分再说一下一些明显的错误,9号就考试了
再问: 谢谢咯!顺便问一下例子什么样得才算好得 我是自学的 之前考过雅思对托福不是很了急
再答: 虽然大家都在骂china daily,但我的数据收集就从上面来的,加一些简写与数据分析方法。你就抓住考官的心了,他们最爱看到考生的学科素养!
再问: 明白了  就是加点自己或生活中的例子再用些数据支持么? 谢谢
再答: 差不多,但表姐表妹的例子就别再举了,too old-fashioned.
能力很有限 希望给打个分再说一下一些明显的错误,9号就考试了 英语翻译有因为简写本人英文能力有限 希望有实力的朋友帮忙给翻一下hi sexy longtime no c.wts up 全国高中生物竞赛请问它的判分标准是什么?是不是给了几分就选几个答案?如果没选全?给分吗?再说一下答题技巧 希望有人帮忙翻译一下这段话,英文,别出现太明显的语法错误,意思差不多就可以了,辛苦了,谢谢! 下面的英文演讲稿是网上翻译的,错误太多,本人只是高一生,能力实在有限,改不过来了,改得像正常的话就可以,特附中文原稿和网 英语翻译今天愚人节 求一篇英文短文和短文的错误翻译 但不要太明显 错误的翻译也要意思通顺 短文要短一些 希望9点30之前 有人说:"世界太大,我们的能力有限,关注自己国家的事情就可以了,这种想法对么? 世界太大,我们的能力有限,关注自己国家的事情就可以了.认为这钟想法对吗?辩论 电源输出电流的大小我做了个5V电源,但由于能力有限不知道这个电源的输出电流是多大,想请热心的朋友帮忙给算一下, 马克思哲学的中国化和在中国的应用发展,就一些事例发表一下见解,希望你能给我一些帮助! 英语口语考试题目,只需用一些简单的词帮我陈述一下个人观点就行, 六年级上册数学题明天我们要考试了,大家给我一些六年级上册容易考的题。最后这几次数学考试差点下90分了,我希望自己期末能考