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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/05 16:51:27
您好!虽然我们只见过一次面,可是在昨天去江门途中和您交谈我很愉快,谢谢您总是把快递传递给我们,也不知道午饭合适您的胃口?下次您过来喜欢吃什么和我们说,我们再带您去大吃一顿,呵呵,只是我不会说英文,所以很遗憾不能直接和您口语交谈,只能写此信来传递我的心情,还有您的中文说的非常棒,最喜欢听您们的明天见,不客气~~~,有时间的话我在晚上学英语,期待有机会能和您交谈 ,这是我找我朋友直接翻译的,如我有写错的地方,请多多指教
Hello! Even though we've only met once, i was very happy to have a talk with you yesterday on the road. Thank you for always bringing the packages and mails to us. Did you like the food? If you wanna eat something particular, please tell us and we'll bring you there the next time. It's just that i can't speak any English and have trouble communicating with you, so I'm writing this to express what i have to say. Your Chinese is very good! I love the way you say ming tian jian and bu ke qi. If there's a chance, i'd love to learn English online and look forward to talk to you in english. This is translated by a friend of mine, if there's anything wrong, please let me know. I know you have work to do, I'm sorry to bother you. I hope you have a safe trip and wish you all the best!
呵呵呵 楼主真逗 不能有错的地方.