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谁能给我一篇the roak not taken 的英文鉴赏

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/02 04:29:26
谁能给我一篇the roak not taken 的英文鉴赏
谁能给我一篇the roak not taken 的英文鉴赏
鏄疪obert Frost鐨凾he Road Not Taken鍚?br/>Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler,long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other,as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that,the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh,I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood,and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference
Robert Frost is one of the finest of rural New England鈥檚 20th century pastoral poets.His poems are great combination of wisdom,harmony and serenity.They are simple at first sight,but demand readers for deep reading to grasp further meaning beyond surface.
The famous poem of Frost The Road Not Taken is my favorite.This poem consists of four stanzas of five lines.The rhyme scheme is ABAAB.the rhymes are strict and masculine,with notable exception of the last line.There are four stressed syllables each line,varying on iambic tetrameter base.
The Road Not Taken tells about life choice.Man鈥檚 life is metaphorically related to a journey filled with twists and turns.One has to consider a lot before making a wise choice.Though the diverged roads seem identical,they actually lead to different directions,which symbolize different fates.
A less than rigorous look at the poem may lead one to believe that Frost鈥檚 moral is embodied in those lines.The poem is taken as a call to independence,preaching originality and Emersonian self-reliance.The poem deconstructs its conclusion stanza by stanza.
At the beginning of this poem,the poet shows the inability of human beings to foresee the future,especially the results of choices.At the split in the road,the speaker looks far down both the two paths to see what each of the paths will bring.However,his sight is limited; his eyes can only see the path until it bends into 鈥渢he undergrowth鈥?Man is free to choose,but doesn鈥檛 know beforehand the results of his choice.
Both roads diverge into a 鈥測ellow wood鈥 and appear to be 鈥渁bout the same鈥 in their purposes.The first path is a more common route.The other is less traveled,which 鈥渨as grass and wanted wear鈥?The poet presents a conflict here鈥攖he decision between the common easy path and exceptional challenging path.The two different paths signify two different kinds of lives.Choosing the common easy path,people will feel at ease and live in safety,because the outcome is predictable.However,that kind of life may be less exciting and lack of novelty.While choosing the 鈥渓ess traveled鈥 road represents the gamble of facing a more difficult path in lives.This forms contrast with familiar lives of most people.People hope to achiever a satisfactory and interesting life on this road.The wish is good,but reality is full of challenges and uncertainties.Nobody can be sure of the outcome.After vacillating between the two roads,the poet finally decides to take the road 鈥渓ess traveled by鈥 and leads a different life from common people.This may indicate his choice to be a poet,other than other jobs.The poet makes up his mind to dedicate himself to poem writing,which is regarded as a less common career.
Once the decision is made,there will be no way to return to the original choice to experience the other route.So the poet utters 鈥淵et knowing how way leads on to way,I doubted if I should ever come back.鈥 The made choice is irrevocable,so man must be careful and rational before making decisions.At the same time,he must be courageous enough to shoulder the result of his choice,whether it is good or not.
Frost presents man鈥檚 limitation to explore life鈥檚 different possibilities.The poet 鈥渟ighs鈥 at the end of the poem.For at the time of one鈥檚 choice,he must give up other choices and miss some other things.At the same time,he 鈥渟ighs鈥 with lamentation,pondering what he may have missed on the other path and that he doesn鈥檛 have opportunities to experience another kind of life.
The Road Not Taken is interpreted universally as a representation of two similar choices.At the beginning,man may face two identical forks,which symbolize the nexus of free choice and fate.They contrast increasingly with each other as they diverge in their separate directions.Man is free to choose,but it鈥檚 beyond his ability to foretell the consequences.Man can choose a common route which guarantees a safe and reliable life.He can also choose a less common one which is unknown,unique and stands out above other else鈥檚.All in all,man must be responsible for his choice and has courage to shoulder the result.He can never go back to the past and experience other possibilities.It is impossible to predict the outcome of decisions,so it is essential for him to make wise decisions after considering,selecting and questioning which selection will provide him with fulfillment.
The Road Not Taken is full of philosophical overtones.This poem should be read as a warning.Man should consider a lot before making choices and reflect over the choices he has made to discover 鈥渁ll the differences鈥?