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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/08 19:25:33
_____should the world were flat,what would happen? A.Assume B.Imagine C.Should D.Suppose 请老师详细解答
_____ the world were flat,what would happen?
Assume 是在无需要证明的情况下认定/接受某事。
-to accept something to be true without question or proof:

Suppose是假设, 有多个解释&用法, 通常是提出推测, 带有不肯定/存疑的口吻

1. to think that something is likely to be true: (假设某事是事实)
e.g. Do you suppose (that) Gillian will marry him?
e.g. It is widely supposed (that) the minister will be forced to resign.
e.g. We all supposed him to be German, but in fact he was Swiss.
e.g. Her new book is supposed to be (= generally people think it is) very good.

2. used in making polite requests: (以假设方式, 礼貌地提出要求)
e.g. I don't suppose (that) you could/I suppose you couldn't lend me £5 till tomorrow, could you?

3. used to show that you think something is so, although you wish that it were not:
(以假设方式, 提出自己的看法 [尽管你不希望那是真的])
e.g. I suppose (that) all the tickets will be sold by now.

4. used to express annoyance:
(以假设方式, 对比提出自己的不认同和不满)
e.g. I suppose (that) you're going to be late again.
e.g. I suppose (that) you think that's funny. Well, I certainly don't.

5. used to show unwillingness to agree:
e.g. "Can I go out tonight?" "Oh, I suppose so."
e.g. I don't agree with it, but I suppose (that) it's for the best.

用assume比较强, 带有"毫无疑问/不容置疑"的感觉; suppose就比较婉转, 留下空间容许对方反对 (also 留下空间比自己反口).

题干部分the world were flat是虚拟语气的形式.连词that省略了.全句的意思是:假设地球是扁平的,会发生什么?
因为地球是圆的,所以这种假设是不成立的,所以不用语气强烈的assume .