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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/16 06:39:51
Saving Water(By Kaiser3344)
Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We can’t live without water. Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook rice, to clean the flat, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our teeth, to have a bath and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, to grow vegetables, to make things in factories and so on. We also can swim in the sea. Water is important for us, isn’t it?
With the growing of the populaiton and the polution of rivers and lakes, it is now becoming more and more difficult for us to have access to drinking water. The shortage of drinking water has becoming a serious problem in many parts of our country. As a student, we should save water in our everyday life so as to reduce the effect of the drinking water shortage. Saving water should be the responsibility of every student.
As a student, what can we do in our daily life to save water?
First, we should realize the problem of drinking water shortage. Most of the times we waste water because we do not realize the problem. Once we have realized the problem we will do all that we can to save water in our life.
Second, we can buy things that are water saving such as washing machines which are water saving. In this way , we can use less water doing the same thing than before thus saving a lot of water.
Third, we can make use of waste water. Often, waste water are not fully used before they are poured off. We can reuse the water in many ways. For example, the water left after washing vegetables can be used to drop plants or to clean the floor.
In a word, saving water is very important and we should do as much as we can to save water in our everyday life.
With the growing of the populaiton and the polution of rivers and lakes, it is now becoming more and more difficult for us to have access to drinking water. The shortage of drinking water has becoming a serious problem in many parts of our country. As a student, we should save water in our everyday life so as to reduce the effect of the drinking water shortage. Saving water should be the responsibility of every student.
As a student, what can we do in our daily life to save water?
First, we should realize the problem of drinking water shortage. Most of the times we waste water because we do not realize the problem. Once we have realized the problem we will do all that we can to save water in our life.
Second, we can buy things that are water saving such as washing machines which are water saving. In this way , we can use less water doing the same thing than before thus saving a lot of water.
Third, we can make use of waste water. Often, waste water are not fully used before they are poured off. We can reuse the water in many ways. For example, the water left after washing vegetables can be used to drop plants or to clean the floor.
In a word, saving water is very important and we should do as much as we can to save water in our everyday life.
No creature can live without water and human being is not an exemption as well. Our body is mainly formed by water, about 70% or more. So everyday we need to drink a lot to keep ourselves healthy and full of energy. Except that, there are lots of things we need water in our daily life. We need to use water to cook, to wash clothes, to shower and so on. As we know the water shortage is a big issue all over the world. Therefore save water is very important in our life.
每年3月22日,是“世界水日”,学校开展了“珍爱环境,保护水资源”的综合实践活动,请根据你对相关内容的 假如你是某所中学的一名学生,3月22日(世界水日)你参加了你们班开展的一系列节水宣传活动。请根据以下提示,以日记的形式记 英语作文:假如你是中学生李华,给在英国的笔友Tom写信,告诉他你们学校为了丰富学生的学校生活而开展的俱乐部活动情况主要内 3月22日是世界水日,学校开展“珍爱生命之水”宣传活动,请拟写四副关于节水的对联(每联七个字) 英语作文 假如你是李英,参加了学校开展的“有烦恼向谁说”的调查活动,调查结果如下 英语作文:目前中学生早餐问题已经引起社会关注,你所在学校的学生会在5月20日"全国学营养日"开展问 假如你发现你同学在宿舍抽烟 你认为是不好的习惯跟据以下情况写信给校长 建设学校开展戒烟活动 英文作文 请谈谈你所在的学校是如何开展综合实践活动课程的,并总结一下在开展综合实践活动 假如你叫李平参加学校开展的“有烦恼向谁说”的调查活动 英语作文假如你叫李华,你的英国朋友给你发了一封电子邮件询问关于学校正开展低碳生活的活动情况 每年3月22日,是“世界水日”,学校开展了“珍爱环境,保护水资源”的综合实践活动,请根据你对相关内容的了解,完成下面题目 3,22日,是“世界水日”.你所在的学校准备开展“珍爱环境,保护水源”的综合实践活动,班里准备办一期相关主题的黑板报,请