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Book7Module3 英语周报第六期 总第3235期

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/02 02:36:31
Book7Module3 英语周报第六期 总第3235期
Book7Module3 英语周报第六期 总第3235期
Book 7 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 ABACB 6-10 CBABA
11-15 BBCAA 16-20 CBBBC
21-25 BCADA 26-30 DBACD
31-35 CABDB 36-40 CABDC
41-45 DBCAD 46-50 BBADA
51-55 BCCAD 56-60 BADAD
61-65 BCACD 66-70 AAACB
71-75 GEFAD
76. Because he rescued a dog.
77.By listening to the radio. / From the radio.
78. Because they couldn’t make Mya stop running.
79. Because she ran a long distance.
80. He carried her to her owner’s car.
81. ... great honor ... great前加a
82. ... work as for ... 去掉for
83. ... home or abroad ... or → and
84. ... who was providing ... was → were
85. ... stay in the ... stay → staying
86. I work in the ... work → worked
87. ... all the equipments. equipments → equipment
88. ... so I volunteered ... so → but
89. It was very tired ... tired → tiring
90. ... that I could ... that → what
One possible version:
The Little Match Girl, a famous fairy tale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, is about a dying girl’s dreams and hope.
On a cold New Year's Eve, a little girl was walking in a street to sell matches. She was extremely cold but didn't dare to go home, because her father would beat her for not selling any matches. The girl lighted the matches to warm herself. In the flame she saw her dead grandmother, the only person who loved her. In the end, the girl died and her grandmother carried her soul to Heaven.
The Little Match Girl is my favourite fairy tale. Not only does it vividly describe the reality at that time, but it also makes me feel grateful to everything I own.
21. B.news 后跟同位语从句,表特指,因此第一空用the;an enormous amount of 大量的.
22. C.people 与scream 之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,且scream 所表示的动作与ran同时发生,故用screaming.
23. A.in an angry voice 用生气的声音(说).
24. D.由Having stayed alone for a year 可知,“老妈妈热切地(eagerly)盼望她儿子回来度假”.
25. A.that 引导的从句为brought 的真正宾语,故在此用it作形式宾语.
26. D.never 常与现在完成时连用,且因never 为含否定意义的词,位于句首时句子需用部分倒装语序,故选D项.
27. B.题意:赢得比赛是对我们足球队的努力的奖赏(reward).
28. A.serve 所表示的动作发生在asked 之前,且who 指代The old nurse,与serve 之间为主动关系,故用过去完成时的主动语态.
29. C.从句中使用了强调句型it was ...that ...,强调主语the cold weather.
30. D.由He has made many rules that we must obey 可知,“老板对待我们像对待调皮的(naughty)学生”.
31. C.当主语为物时,need 后跟动词-ing形式的主动式或动词不定式的被动式,表示“某物需要被……”.
32. A.由答语可知,第一句意为“我觉得我自从离职后一事无成”.accomplish 完成,取得.
33. B.由Paul is busying working in front of the computer 可知,“除非(unless)有紧急的事,否则不要给他打电话”.
34. D.由on such a windy day 可知,“(她)一只手举起来握着(hold on to)帽子”.
35. B.由I fell down from the top of the mountain 及it was only a dream 可知,thank goodness(谢天谢地)符合题意.
36. C.由文章首句I have learned a lot from being a taxi driver 可知,“我”干这“行(business)”已经很多年了.
37. A.由下文的Taxi drivers have to ... eight hours a day 和they are bad 可知,当出租车司机不“好(good)”的地方有很多.
38. B.出租车司机必须有个好身体才能一天扛得住八个小时,这里用fight 来形容出租车司机同纽约的交通作较量.
39. D.因为出租车司机身体强壮,所以人们对他们产生了错误的“ 印象(impression)”,认为他们不是好人.
40. C.由本段最后的in the papers 可知,这里是指“报纸(newspaper)”.
41. D.由下文的moving stories 可知,出租车司机将人们落在车内的东西“上交(turn in)”了.
42. B.由出租车司机上交人们落在车内的东西这一行为可知,如果他们不是“好(nice)”人,人们就不会在报上看到这些感人的报道了.
43. C.那时候很难,以防万一,“我”把一部分钱“存(put away)”了起来.
44. A.由下文作者拾金不昧,归还失主戒指的经历可知,“即便(even)”在那种艰难的日子里,作者依旧做行为高尚的事.
45. D.由下文的the ring 可知,“我”在车里发现了一枚“戒指(ring)”.
46. B.“我”回到了让她下车的地方,故用drop off (让……下车).
47. B.由上文内容可知,“我”在车里发现了一枚戒指,为了“归还(return)”戒指,“我”用了将近两天的时间寻找失主.
48. A.虽然“我”帮助那位女士找到了戒指,但是没有得到她的“感谢(Thank you)”.
49. D.由下文的whether they tip or not 可知,这里是说人们询问“我”有关“小费(tips)”的情况.
50. A.“实际上(actually)”,每个人都会给你点什么.
51. B.由上文的everyone will give you something可知,大多数美国人还是很“慷慨的(generous)”.
52. C.由上文的I always try to be nice to everyone 可知,从业多年,“我”从未与人发生过“矛盾(trouble)”.
53. C.由the way I want to be treated 可知,“我”“对(treat)”人友善.
54. A.“我”坚持这样做有很长时间了,时间越久,就越“容易(easier)”.
55. D.由第一段的taxi drivers ... the things people left in their cabs 及第二段所讲述的“我”归还那位女士落在车内的戒指一事可知,至今“我”仍然认为“诚实(honesty)”是我们最重要的品格之一.
56. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的... accept his favorite sport — hide-and-seek 可知,Yasuo Hazaki 非常喜欢捉迷藏这一活动,故选B项.
57. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的I want to encourage sport for all, meaning that anyone can take part 和Hide-and-seek is a sport that anybody can play ... who are in their 80s 可知,Hazaki 希望捉迷藏成为一 项奥运会比赛项目的原因是它没有年龄 限制,故选A项.
58. D.推理判断题.由最后一段中的It may be difficult to get hide-and-seek into the Olympics but I see Tokyo 2020 as a big chance可知,Hazaki是一个乐观的人.
59. A.主旨大意题.作者通过本文主要向我 们讲述了Yasuo Hazaki 这位老人为使捉迷藏能够成为奥运会的一项比赛项目所做出的努力,故选A项.
60. D.细节理解题.由第二段中的... washed a 13-foot-long, smelly body onto the shores of the village of Villaricos in Andalusia, Spain 可知,该神秘尸体是在西班牙一个村庄的海岸上发现的,故选D 项.
61. B.篇章结构题.由第四段中的“That is actually a shark skeleton,” Professor Grubbs from Florida State University told NBC News可知,这里的it 指的是一具鲨鱼的骨架,故选B项.
62. C.段落大意题.由第三段中的sea monster, dragon 和an oarfish 等信息可知,本段主要讲述人们对于该神秘尸体的种种猜测,故选C项.
63. A.写作目的题.由文章首段中的 the ocean still holds its mysteries 和尾段中的the ocean still has a few surprises for us 以及文中所举的事例可知,本文的主要目的是向人们展示海洋神秘的一面,故选A项.
64. C.细节理解题.由第一段中的these well-known characters ... until some unexpected quiet time released them 可知,这些文学作品中的人物都是其作者无意间构思出来的,故选C项.
65. D.推理判断题.由第三段中的内容可知,Maurice Sendak 童年时期体弱多病,于是他经常待在家里画画,街道对面一个女孩的出现激发了他的灵感并最终造就了他的成功,故D项说法正确.
66. A.推理判断题.文中提到的三个故事向 我们阐述了一个观点:无所事事未必无聊,故选A项.
67. A.写作手法题.第二段首句先提出人们争论的观点(政府将钱浪费在了那些没有用在地球上的研究),然后通过分析这些钱的流向驳斥了该观点,故选A项.
68. A.细节理解题.由第三段中的The handheld Jaws of Life used to save victims from car accidents 可知,救生颚(Jaws of Life)可用来抢救遭遇交通事故的人,故选A项.
69. C.推理判断题.由第三段中的Another benefit ... the many spinoff technologies it provides 和最后一段中的These advances are found in food, building materials, medical procedures and the vehicles we drive 可知,太空探索在很多方面给我们带来好处,故选C项.
70. B.标题归纳题.本文主要就政府每年将大量资金投入到太空探索是否值得这一话题进行了讨论,故选B项.
1-5 ADBAD 6-10 BADAC
本文是新闻.Jane Austen 的头像有望于 2017年出现在十英镑的背面.
1. A.细节理解题.由第一段中的Jane Austen will become the face of the new ten-pound note 和第二段中的She will replace naturalist Charles Darwin on the reverse of Britain’s most popular banknote 可知,现在十英镑背面的人物是Charles Darwin,故选A项.
2. D.词义猜测题.由该词后面的They said that it meant women were not as equal as men on the country's banknotes 可知,人们对于英国中央银行将前首相Winston Churchill 取代Elizabeth Fry 出现在五英镑背面这一做法表示反对,故选D项.
3. B.细节理解题.由第四段中的Mark Carney, the first foreigner to head the bank in its 319-year history 可知,Mark Carney 是 英格兰银行现任行长,故选B项.
4. A.推理判断题.Jane Austen 是英国历史上一位重要的文学家.由第六段中的On the note ... from Pride and Prejudice 可知,她的出现旨在鼓励人们多读书,故选A 项.
5. D.标题归纳题.本文主要介绍Jane Austen 的头像有望于2017 年出现在十英镑的背面,故选D项.
本文是说明文.文章通过介绍Sean Miles 和他设计的产品来鼓励人们回收废旧小型电子产品.
6. B.细节理解题.由第一段中的A new pair of gloves, known as “Talk to the Hand” 和Mobile phone users ... without taking their phone out of their pocket or handbag 可知,它是一副可以充当手机的手套,故选B 项.
7. A.细节理解题.由第二段中的O2 Recycle, which thinks that there are ... digital cameras 可知,O2 Recycle 鼓励人们回收那些废弃 的小型电子产品.
8. D.推理判断题.由第二段中的Artist Sean Miles designed the gloves that ... shows the possibilities of gadget recycling 和第四段中的Walkie Talkies 以及Miles is now working on combining phones with handbags 可知,他很擅长利用那些小型电 子产品.
9. A.段落大意题.文章最后一段主要介绍了Bill Eyres 对回收废旧小型电子产品的看法,故选A项.
10. C.写作目的题.文章通过介绍Sean Miles 和他设计的产品来鼓励人们回收废旧小型电子产品,故选C项.