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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/08 09:49:37
With such a plan, Democrats might also have been better able to capitalize on this year's corporate corruption scandals. Voters were plenty steamed about Enron and the Bush administration's connection to it. But that anger never translated into support for Democrats, in part because the party's hands weren't clean (some Democrats had taken Enron money), but more importantly because, aside from stronger accounting rules, Democrats offered no new economic ideas that put average Americans first--ideas that would have provided a concrete alternative to the GOP's crony capitalism. Had they done so, every new twist in the corporate scandal drama would have given Democrats another opportunity to mention their egalitarian tax cut plan, thereby contrasting two visions of how to run the economy. At their best, Democrats are less about ideologies or abstractions than about getting the best deal for average Americans in any given set of conditions or circumstances. A payroll-based tax cut would have done exactly that. Without such a concrete policy, Democrats had no credibility with voters.
I know what you're thinking: Republicans would have had a field day by framing such a plan as a tax increase. But Democrats should have welcomed that debate, because they would have won it. Voters can do arithmetic, especially when it involves money that might or might not go into their pockets. Moving the tax cut from column A (the rich) to column B (everyone), is plainly not a tax increase. The more Republicans insisted otherwise, the more they would have been drawn into a discussion of why they believe a tax rebate for ordinary voters was less important that one for Bill Gates' kids.
Now you were in the Pentagon in those days, among other things putting together what later became known as the "Pentagon Papers." Do you think the criticism was warranted? If there had been a heavier bombing would it have made much of a difference?
I don't know that it would have made a difference in the ultimate outcome of the war, because I think the North Vietnamese and their allies in the South, the Vietcong, were going to fight as long as necessary to drive out any foreign power. The force of nationalism was that strong. But I think it would have made a difference in the military campaign. I think what the military was saying was militarily correct—that we could have done much more damage and made it much more difficult for the North Vietnamese to adjust with a more all-out bombing campaign.
Should Have-Could Have-Would Have
by Bobbi Ann Duffy
I should have had the courage to stand my ground
To be what I wanted to be not what you expected me to be
If I could have, I would have been
A success in my own eyes
Instead of a failure in yours
I should have rejected your standards for my life
And lived only by my own
If I could have, I would have been
Happy and strong
Instead of miserable and weak
I should have done what I thought was right
Not what you said was right
If I could have, I would have
Lived a life that had meaning for me
Instead of a life filled with empty regrets
I should have lived my life for myself
Not for you, others, or society
If I could have, I would have
Enjoyed living and loving
Instead of feeling so alone and unfulfilled
But in the twilight of life
Should haves
Could haves
And would haves
Do no good because they change nothing
And negate the joys I have experienced
The love I have shared
And the beauty I have seen
None of which I am willing to so dishonor.
My Ideal War
How the international community should have responded to Bush's September 2002 U.N. speech.
The Top Ten Sci-Fi Films That Never Existed