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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/04 12:46:23
1、我们一定要努力学习,以赶上时代的步伐.We must study hard to keep up with the times.2、他们经常为市场提供新产品. They often supply the market with new commodities.3、他把一生献给了人民. He has devoted his life to the people.3、他们认为有必要改变计划.They consider it necessary to change the plan .5、钟最重要的是必须准确.A clock must above all be exact .6、有了这些标志,来自世界各地的驾驶员开起车来就可能安全多了.With these markings it is possible for motorists from all over the world to drive with greater safety.7、20世纪40年以来,美国商人一直在借助调查手段来研制、命名、包装和促销产品.Since the 1940s American businesspeople have been developing,naming, packing,and promoting products with the help of surveys.8、除了你要的苹果之外,我还给你买了些橘子.In addition to apples you asked for ,I bought you some oranges.9、杰克不久就适应了部队生活.Jack soon adjusted to army life.10、广告把销售信息同时传给许多人.Advertising distributes the selling message to many people at one time .11、也许有一天直升飞机会取代汽车. The helicopter may take the place of a car some day.12广告制作已发展成为一种高度专业化的职业.Advertising has developed into a highly specialized profession.13、我们认为如果得不到人们的信任我们的事业就不能获得成功.We believe that our cause can not win unless we have the confidence of the people .14、公关工作是向商业或其他机构提供信息的活动.Publicrelations is activity of giving a bussiness or othe organization information .15将公司的活动、计划、设想告诉公众也是公关人员的职责.It is also the job of the public relations officer to tell the public about a conpany's activities, plans ,or ideas .16、这一点之所以必要是因为如果人们对一家公司有所了解,就可能对他更有信心.This is necessary because people are likely to have more confidence in a company if they know something about it.17公司一旦作出决定,就希望人人都能理解这项决定以及作出这项决定的理由.Having made a decision ,the company wants everyone to understand the decision and the reasons it was made .18凡打算做公关工作的人都应该尽可能广泛的接受教育.Anyone who plans to do public relationgs work should get as broad an education as possible .19在科学家看来,燃烧意味着发光、发热的化学反应.To a scientist, buring means a chemical reaction with light and heat .20蜘蛛结网是一种天生的行为.The spinning of webs is an instinctive behaviour that a spider is born with .21人的行为不但受本能支配还受理智支配.Human behaviour is controlled by reaction as well as by instinct.22通过上机操作我学会了使用计算机.I learn how to use a computer by operating it .23一种文化与另一种文化对美所持的看法各不相同.Idears of waht is beautiful,differ from one culture to another24我认为,除非面临一生难求的机会,任何人都不应该中途辍学.I believe that nobody should drop out of college unless they believe they face the opportunity of a lifetime .25当你奋起应对教育带来的种种挑战,你就会发现你学习知识的能力远远超出你的想象.As you rise to the challenges of education,you will discover that your capacity for knowlege is greater than you imagined.26专心致志·目标明确的学生较之思想不集中的学生,将从学校获益更多.A dedicated,goal-oriented learner will benifit more from school than a student who doesn't focus.27对计算机有浓厚的兴趣很好,但是以放弃别的学科为代价就不好了.It is fine to have a deep interest in the computer ,butnot if it comes at the sacrifice of other subjects.28你所受教育越多,就越可能在日常生活中形成健康的生活习惯.Ther more education you have ,the more likely you areto practice healthy habits in your daily life.29我的基本观点是:即使没有因特网,这些仇恨的信息仍然会找到一个发泄的途径.My bottom line is that even without the Internet,these hateful messages would still find an outlet .30作为学生,我们受到学校规章制度的制度的制约. As a student ,we are subjuct to our school regulations.31你认为他父亲果真会不允许他出国吗?Do you think his father will go so far as not to allow him to go abroad?32我们的老师都一致认为为了学生的未来他们需要接触新技术.Our teachers agree that students need exposure to new technologies for the sake of their future.33克里斯认为因特网应该对所有意见都开发,是否接受这些意见则由每个人自己决定.Chris thinks the Internet should be open to all opinions .It's up to each person to decide whether he or she accepts them.