作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.Where is the zoo?It's____ ____the library.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/25 23:46:41
1.Where is the zoo?It's____ ____the library.
1.Where is the zoo? It's____ ____the library.
2.Where is the park? It's____ ____the hospiyaal
3.How can I go to the library?
4.How can I go to the hospital?
1.Where is the zoo?It's____ ____the library.
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再答: ��Ҫ�����������ң������ϱ���
再问: �����ϱ���
再答: in the south of in the west of
再答: go ahead and turn left
再答: then turn left
再问: ��go ahead and turn left then turn left ���ǵ�������
再答: go ahead and turn left�ǵ����
再答: ���ĸ�Ҫ�ڻ���������ת
再问: ����Dz��������ҵģ���û�ж����ϱ��ģ����������
再答: �ţ��ԣ�
再问: �ж����ϱ��ķ�����������