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Write a passage entitled “The Misery of Pessimism”.150的英语作文找

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/23 05:17:40
Write a passage entitled “The Misery of Pessimism”.150的英语作文找好心人帮忙写写,
Write a passage entitled “The Misery of Pessimism”.150的英语作文找
苦难是一把双刃剑,它对于坚强的人是垫脚石,对于意志薄弱的人是万丈深渊;苦难是一块磨刀石,它能助你磨出锋利的刀刃;苦难是一面镜子,它能反应出你的人生…… 苦难改造你的性格.有人说:性格是生来就形成的,其实未必,这可能只是内因,但在成长过程中有着种种外因的影响,使性格不断地变化.在逆境中,你只能坦然地面对它,永不退缩,保持良好的心境,这使你变得乐观,有坚强的意志;相反,如果你只是一味地退缩、抱怨、悲观叹气,这使你变得自卑,懦弱.因此,我们遇到苦难时,要正确地对待它,让它来点缀我们的性格,使我们的性格放出光彩.苦难塑造你的心灵.有的人的心灵是一块藏着高尚的乐园,但有的人的心灵却是一块布满荆棘的荒园,这究竟是为什么呢?人在苦难中都有一种自保意识,正因这种意识,使人的心灵有所触动,随之向两极分化:一极是牺牲别人的利益,保住自己的利益;另一极是牺牲自己的利益,保住别人的利益.你可能会说:“前者是聪明的,后者是愚蠢的.”但你又有没有想到你的心灵高尚比你拥有利益更宝贵呢?“患难见真情”,在患难中献出自己真情的人,虽然失去很多,但他却得到苦难特别为他塑造的美好心灵.苦难砌造着你的人生.人生好比天气,时而天晴,时而天阴;时而温暖,时而寒冷.常言道:“天有不测之风云,人有旦夕之祸福.”人总要面对一条崎岖不平的道路,而苦难就是不平道路中的低谷,使你的人生陷入低潮,但只要勇敢面对,你的人生一定会有高潮时,而且到那时,你会觉得自己变成熟了.苦难是人生道路的青砖石,一路上为你铺开;苦难是人生道路的调味品,一路上让你尝尽人生的酸甜苦辣.要想拥有绚丽多彩的人生,就要敢于直视苦难,不要只想逃避;要想拥有五味的人生,就要敢于拿出你的“菜肴”,让苦难为你撒下金色的粉末.请随苦难出发,朋友――带上你的吉他和歌喉,苦难不会辜负你的青春年华.请随苦难出发,朋友――不要抱怨期待太久,因为还会有波浪,还会有共济的小舟.Suffering a double-edged sword,it is a strong stepping stone for those who are weak will of the abyss; suffering is a grindstone,it can help you Mochu sharp blade; suffering is a mirror that can respond Out of your life ......Transformation of the suffering of your personality.Some people say:the formation of character is born,may not be a matter of fact,this may be due to,but in the process of growing a variety of external factors,so that the constant changes in the character.In the face of adversity,you can only坦然地面对it will never back down,maintaining a good state of mind,making you become optimistic,there is a strong will; the other hand,if you know only to back down,complaining,pessimism sigh,which makes you Become inferiority,weakness.As a result,when we encounter suffering,it is necessary to correctly deal with it and let it come to the embellishment of our personality,our character luster off.To shape the suffering of your soul.Some of the noble soul is a hidden paradise,but some people's minds is a thorny Huang Yuan,which What is it?In the suffering of the people have a sense of self-protection,because of this sense of touch some people's minds,then to the polarization:pole at the expense of other people's interests and maintain their own interests; themselves at the expense of another is very Interests,to protect the interests of others.You might say:"The former is smart,which is stupid." But you have not thought of your noble soul than you have the interests of more valuable it?"The test of true",in the trials and tribulations of those who gave their true feelings,although many have lost,but he has been suffering for the particular shape of his beautiful soul.Suffering of the building block of your life.Life is like the weather,sometimes sunny and sometimes cloudy days; sometimes warm and sometimes cold.As the saying goes:"There are ominous clouds on the day,people of good and bad fortune overnight." People always have to face a bumpy road,suffering and injustice is in the low road,so that your life is at a low ebb,but as long as the face of the brave Your life will surely be the climax,but by that time,you will feel that they become mature.Life is suffering the blue stone,you roll all the way; suffering is the life of spices,all the way to allow your ups and downs of life,Chang Jin.To have a colorful life,we must dare to open the suffering,do not just want to escape; to have five flavors of life,it is necessary to dare to come up with your "dish" to allow for the suffering you sow the golden powder.Please proceed with the suffering and friends - bring your guitar and voice,the suffering will not live up to your youth.Please proceed with the suffering of friends - do not look forward to complain too long,because there will be waves,there will be a total relief of the boat.