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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/02 02:31:51
Are You Aware how Your Personality Type Affects Your Behaviour?
Management Development Institute,Gurgaon
Daisy Chauhan
The Journal of Business Perspective,MDI,Gurgaon
Understanding how others function is the first step towards having good interpersonal relations in the work environment.Organizations consist of people who differ from one another in almost every dimension possi ble.Diversity certainly is a challenge that is here to stay.To manage the diversity it is of utmost important to understand personality and related behaviour.Equally important is to understand one's own personality type.A study of personality type becomes relevant when we find that an individual's functioning is affected by how he relates to the world (extrovert or introvert),how he processes information (intuition or sensing),evaluates the environment (judging or perceiving) and finally makes decisions (thinking or feeling).In the present article,an attempt has been made to understand personality types and the relationship of different personality types with role efficacy.It was found that the majority of the respondents belonged to the ESTJ (Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging) personality type.Between introversion and extroversion,majority of the managers were found to be extroverts.An important finding of the study was a positive relationship between the ESTJ,types of personality with role efficacy and negative relationship of introversion,intuitive ness,feeling and perceiving with role efficacy.Further,an attempt has been made to address some of the issues associated with personality types and job-fit.
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