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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/03 17:49:57
Politics: The superstructure of the main powers in the field of safeguarding their own interests and the resulting form of specific acts of specific relationships. Is developed to a certain period of human history has emerged as an important social phenomenon.
  Political system refers to the political system and implemented in the form of specific performance, is to manage the country's political affairs normative system, specifically referring to the basic system compatible with the leadership system, organizational systems, work systems and other specific system. Referred to as the government.
  The definition of political
  Because people in different times in different historical task facing the need to focus and play a role in the political focus on the different combined effects of different history, so the concept in explaining the political content of the emphasis is different, and thus a right What is the answer to a wide variety of political, forming a large number of political definition.
  Marx, Engels, Lenin believed that "all class struggle is a political struggle," "Politics is the most concentrated expression of the economy", "politics is the struggle between the classes," "politics is involved in national affairs, given the direction of the state to determine the form of national activities, tasks and content, "" Politics is a science, is an art. " These statements reflect the general political nature, attributes, content and features, is the study of political phenomena and to define the guiding political ideology.
  Western political scientists did a lot of political definition, such as: ① that politics is the country's activities is governing the country, is to win or save power. ② think that politics is a struggle for power is the power of relationships in the phenomenon. ③ arrangements that politics is the public affairs people in the personal expression of the will and interests of an activity, the political goal is to develop policies, which is handling public affairs. ④ that politics is the process of policy formulation and implementation. ⑤ that politics is a social interest, is the authoritative allocation of social values.
在中外历史演进过程中,曾涌现出许多重要历史人物。他们是特定时代的产物,并以其各自的个性和活动,对人类历史发展进程产生了一 每一种生物细胞中,都有一定数目和特定结构的物质是/ 英语翻译在学生综合语言运用能力中,情感态度被认为是极其重要的因素.介于初中学生特定的心智水平、年龄特征以及心理承受能力, 班主任的角色地位角色指个体在特定的社会关系中的身份以及由此而决定的行为规范和行为模式的总和 行政宪:简答题:行政许可的主体为特定主体? 在社会的工作中,怎样维护自身的利益 战争作为人类社会发展到一定历史阶段的特殊社会现象,产生于什么时期? 抗体是T淋巴细胞产生的一种特殊多糖吗?侵入人体的SARS病毒是一种特定的抗原吗?这里的“特定”怎么理解 一段中翻英现实主义是从文艺复兴到十九世纪这一特定历史时期形成的一种文艺思潮,也是西欧资产阶级登上历史舞台以及确立政治统治 英语翻译这是一种图画或海报的印刷品,不知道有没有特定的名称? 英语翻译希望本文的研究能够对防范不当关联方交易,维护证券市场各参与主体的利益,以及缓解会计信息市场的失灵能有所帮助. 英语翻译商业文化是在一国或民族特定的文化背景下,在特定的商业形态与产业结构演进过程中形成的,代表着与在一种文化中经营的各