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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/05 03:28:47
“捷克的著名景点,尤其是布拉格的”翻译成英文“the famous scenic spots in Czech,especially in Prague”
* Prague Castle
* Old Town with its Old Town Square
* The Astronomical Clock on Old Town Square
* The picturesque Charles Bridge (Karlův Most)
* The vaulted Gothic Old New Synagogue of 1270.
* New Town with its busy and historic Wenceslas Square
* Malá Strana (Lesser Quarter) with its Infant Jesus of Prague
* Josefov (the old Jewish quarter) with Old Jewish Cemetery and Old New Synagogue
* Jan Žižka equestrian statue in Vítkov Park,Žižkov - Prague 3.
* The Lennon Wall
* Vinohrady,a sightly quarter in the centre
* Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague - huge collections of glass,furniture,textile,toys,Art Nouveau,Cubism,Art Deco and so on.
* The museum of the Heydrich assassination in the crypt of the Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius
* National Museum
Milunić and Gehry's Dancing House
* Vyšehrad Castle & Cemetery where many famous Czechs are buried including the composers Antonín Dvořák & Bedřich Smetana.
* Písek Gate,last preserved city gate of Baroque fortification
* Petřínská rozhledna,an observation tower on Petřín Hill,which resembles the Eiffel Tower
* Anděl.Probably the busiest part of the city with a super modern shopping mall and architecture
* Žižkov Television Tower (Žižkovský vysílač) with observation deck - Prague 3.
* The New Jewish Cemetery in Olšany,location of Franz Kafka's grave - Prague 3.
* The Metronome,a giant,functional metronome that looms over the city
* The Dancing House (Fred and Ginger Building)
* The Mucha Museum,showcasing the Art Nouveau works of Alfons Mucha
* The vast cemeteries that are also used for walks by the locals,such as Olšany Cemetery
* Places connected to writers living in the city,such as Franz Kafka (One popular destination is the Franz Kafka Museum,also his grave at the New Jewish cemetery near the metro station Želivského)
* The Prague Zoo was selected as the 7th best zoo in the world by Forbes magazine
在布拉格的众多景观中,最重要的应该要算布拉格城堡和圣维特主教座堂(Katedrala sv.Vita).布拉格城堡位于伏尔塔瓦河畔的小山上,其历史可以追溯到公元9世纪,已有1000多年的历史.布拉格城堡长570米,平均宽约130米,是世界最大的古城堡[13].这座城堡包括波希米亚国王、神圣罗马帝国皇帝的王宫,也是1618年5月23日第二次布拉格扔出窗外事件的发生地点;后来的捷克斯洛伐克和捷克共和国的历届总统也都在此办公.城堡内保存着波希米亚王国的王冠,还收藏有16到18世纪意大利、德国、荷兰等国绘画作品4,000馀幅.圣维特主教座堂兴建于14世纪查理四世时代,直到1929年才完全建成,它不仅是布拉格总教区的主教座堂,也是神圣罗马帝国皇帝的加冕教堂.查理四世将它建成全城最为显赫的一座建筑,这也是中欧地区的第一座哥特式大教堂,以其金色大门、飞扶壁和独特的波希米亚风格室内装饰而著称,两座尖塔高达97米.城堡区其他的名胜还有圣乔治修女院和黄金巷.修女院内收藏了不少14-16世纪哥特、文艺复兴和巴洛克时期的艺术品;黄金巷两侧均为小巧房舍,昔日曾是为国王炼金的术士们聚居之处,现在则改为出售手工艺品的店铺.卡夫卡故居位于该巷22号.