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英语作文谁会?Lallra piamend因为血缘要开会而无法脱身错过了喝BETH的约会请以他的名义写一封道歉信,lal

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/04/28 03:50:53
Lallra piamend因为血缘要开会而无法脱身错过了喝BETH的约会请以他的名义写一封道歉信,lallra由于失约提议杂再次安排见面告知Beth自己一周内除了周五下午2到4点没空外其他时间都可以,如果对方有空也可以安排周6在办公室见面.
英语作文谁会?Lallra piamend因为血缘要开会而无法脱身错过了喝BETH的约会请以他的名义写一封道歉信,lal
地球是个“百宝箱”.它里面的“宝贝”可多啦!有金、银、铜、煤、锌、锡、镍……但它却不肯轻易亮出来.而科学家们自有办法,从前,他们靠辨认化石和矿藏留在地面上的痕迹来发现地下宝库.现在,他们不仅有这些“土钥匙”,而且还有“磁力仪”、“重力仪”、“地震仪”这些隔着地皮便能开启宝库大门的“金钥匙”了.特别是近几年,经过许多科学家的共同努力,又增添了一把“高空钥匙”——大名鼎鼎的地球资源卫星.它整天在离地面将近1000千米的高空绕着地球转圈子,通过微波不停地向人们发回地下宝库的 ……“百宝箱”啊“百宝箱”,你还是乖乖地向我们的“开箱取宝”人——科学家们交出你所有的“宝贝”吧!使我们的生活更加幸福,更加美满.
To do the masters of the Earth
- Read "Our Earth"
It is all day from the ground altitude of nearly 1000 km circle around the earth, through the microwave, turns to the people back underground treasure-house of ... ... "treasure chest" ah "treasure chest", you still obediently to our "out of the box take treasure "of people - scientists have to hand over all your" treasure "of bar! To make our life more happy, more happy.
Speaking of earthquakes, you might want to frightened bar. However, scientists are afraid, they would have the courage to challenge an earthquake. Because they are the hands of a 'lubricant consumption up "in this way, it is the water column to the imminent outbreak of a major earthquake beneath the area, allowing water to be separated from the power of an earthquake. They also have a magic weapon that will be an earthquake in some places an underground explosion, "of earthquakes of small earthquake," with "piecemeal" approach to a major earthquake "" strangled. " These scientists do not conquer the earthquake this is the devil's warriors do?
"Our Earth" a book also stresses the "snail clam shells on the mountains," told me that the crust will rise; also spoke about the "mystery of the Atlantic," told me that the crust will decline; also spoke about the "continental drift", Earth's crust have told me, "Banguo home" ... ... all the knowledge and mysteries of the earth are not always all times hundreds of thousands of brave explorers - scientists research, development, study and get do? They have circled the earth in Columbus, Magellan ... ... they are the masters of the earth, is an example I have in mind.
Why is the Earth's rotation will be? Why the Earth is round? Why is an earthquake? "Our Earth" a book gave me the 11 answer. I would like it 啦! This book made me to know and understand the birth of the earth, change, future of rich, interesting mysteries of knowledge, foster the ideal of transforming the planet.
The Earth is a "treasure chest." It is inside the "Baby" could be much more attractive! There are gold, silver, copper, coal, zinc, tin, nickel, ... ... but it refuses to light up easily. The scientists have their own approach to the past, they rely on to identify fossils and minerals remain in the ground to find traces of underground treasure. Now, they not only have these "earth key", but also "magnetometer", "gravimeter", "seismograph" These sites will be able to open the treasure house across the door of the "golden key" of the. Especially in recent years, through the joint efforts of many scientists, but also added a "High Key" - the famous Earth resource satellites.
It is all day from the ground altitude of nearly 1000 km circle around the earth, through the microwave, turns to the people back underground treasure-house of ... ... "treasure chest" ah "treasure chest", you still obediently to our "out of the box take treasure "of people - scientists have to hand over all your" treasure "of bar! To make our life more happy, more happy.