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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/06 09:56:05
玩后感 前天,我们去了泰安方特游乐园,很开心 早上很早就起来了,我们都去一个地方集合,坐上大巴,就出发了。 在去方特的路上,居然堵车了,到达泰安就已经十点半了,我们,赶快买了门票就进去了。 哇~这个游乐园很漂亮,唯一不好的就是人很多,排队很慢,很无聊。 一进游乐场就能看见一个城堡,在往里走,有许多有趣的项目,我最喜欢的就是 “维苏威火山” 和 “神秘河谷” 很有趣,很刺激,不过也很危险。 “神秘河谷”会把你的衣服弄湿,但是很爽。 中午,我们饿了 ,就会去吃饭,但是泰安的饭很贵。 我们一直玩到下午五点才会的家,玩的很开心
解题思路: 翻译如下,仅供参考
After- Playing Impression The day before yesterday, we went to Tai'an special amusement park.We were very happy .We woke up early in the morning, and we went to a place to gether.Then we got on a bus, and set off. On the way to Tai'an special amusement park, we got stuck in a traffic jam, and when we arrived in Tai'an , it had been already ten thirty.We were hurry to buy tickets. "Wow ~ this amusement park is very beautiful", we said, but the only bad thing was there were a lot of people, queuing was very slow and very boring.When entred the park ,you could see a castle,by walking alone, there were many interesting projects, I liked the most was "Vesuvius volcano" and "Mysterious Valley" was very interesting and exciting too.But they were also very dangerous. "Mysterious Valley" would put your wet clothes, but very cool. At noon, we were hungry,so we went to eat, but the food in Tai'an was very expensive. We didn't come back home until five p.m. We all felt very happy.