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英语翻译提示 All the birds of a feather Do what they love most of

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜考试网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/06/10 11:43:53
提示 All the birds of a feather Do what they love most of all
根据外研社英汉辞典解释 应翻译为(我自己认为这样翻译比较好)
所有住在这里的鸟 都会(在这时)做他们最热爱的事
2楼小赞下 但还是要在优化下
英语翻译提示 All the birds of a feather Do what they love most of
里约大冒险 歌词 中英文对照版
高玉胜 制作
All the birds of a feather拥有漂亮羽翼的鸟儿啊
Do what they love most of all尽情舒展婀娜身姿
We are the best at rhythm and laughter我们就是最棒的节拍和欢笑
That's why we love carnaval这就是为什么我们爱狂欢节
All so clear we can sing to一切那么清晰我们能唱出
Sun and beaches they call太阳和海滩他们所说的
Dance to the music passion and love舞蹈音乐激情和爱
Show us the best you can do把你最拿手的展示给我们
Everyone here is on fire这儿每个人都满怀热情
Get up and join in the fun来吧加入这有趣的行列
Dance with a stranger romance and danger舞出花样的浪漫和惊险
Magic could happen for real in Rio在里约奇迹都可成真
All by it self (it self)一切随缘
You can't see it coming正在发生
You can't find it anywhere else (anywhere else)在别处你无从寻觅
It's real in Rio在里约这都是真的
Know something else (something else)倾听他人的话语
You can feel it happen你会感受到一切正在改变
You can feel it all by yourself你自己就可以感受到
All the birds of a feather拥有漂亮羽翼的鸟儿啊
Do what they love most of all尽情舒展婀娜身姿
Moon and the stars strumming guitars月亮和星星弹奏吉他
That's why we love carnaval这就是为什么我们爱狂欢节
Loving our life in the jungle热爱我们的丛林生活
Everything's wild and free自由自在无拘无束
Never alone 'cause this is our home有家就不会孤单
Magic can happen for real in Rio在里约梦想都能实现
All by it self (by it self)一切随缘
You can see it coming 它正在发生
You can't find it anywhere else 在别处你无处寻觅
I'm a kako wero kinga kinga kinga kinga我是百鸟之王
Birds like me 'cause I'm a hot winga (there's your hota winga aha)鸟儿们喜欢我因为我是热心肠
Here everybody loves samba (I like the Samba)这儿每个人都喜欢桑巴
Rhythm you feel in you heart (I'm the Samba master)节奏油然心生
Beauty and love ,what more could you want美貌和爱情,所有你想得到的
Everything can be for real in Rio在里约一切都能成真
Here's something else (something else)这是奇迹之地
You just feel it happening用心去感受奇迹就会发生
You won't find it anywhere else不需要去其他地方寻找